Stratton C of E Primary School

Clean Air Champions

We’re walking as a team to fight air pollution! Will you support us?

Air pollution is the largest threat to public health in the UK. Every year, it is linked with up to 36,000 early deaths. Pollution can trigger asthma attacks and cause difficulty breathing. In the long-term, it can cause serious health conditions or worsen existing ones.

Cars and other vehicles cause huge amounts of air pollution – emitting toxic gases and dangerous dust. Breathing this is can seriously damage our lungs and health. That’s why making as many journeys as we can by walking, cycling, scootering, and public transport can make a difference.

We’re working together and walking as a school to make a difference. Please support us to make change happen by donating what you can – thank you!

Thank you to our Sponsors




Hilary Tippett


Claire Honor

Great effort class 5!




Miss Bird

Class 5 you all did so well. I am so proud of you all!


Mrs Venn And Mrs Kielty


Mrs Towler And Mrs Walker


Adam Lear


Karen Whyte


Luna Bird


Nell Ptak-dresser

Good luck to all year 5


Stephanie Knowles


Carly And Bob Appleby


Tom Austin

Well done everyone!!



Well done!! Amazing


Mrs Shirra

Well done Class 5!!!


Jane Gardiner


Barbara Cartwright

Good luck Class 5


Gemma Austin

Go Class 5! 🙌🏻


Sally Dyer


Nikki Mclean

Well done Class 5!


Sally Grace


Mrs Sibson


Tina Brown

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