Get started with the Champions scheme today

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Keep track of your activities and add photos here

Celebrate becoming Champions!

What does my school do in Clean Air Champions?

The Clean Air Champions scheme is Asthma + Lung UK’s programme for students to become ambassadors for clean air. 
Students become Champions by completing 3 activities: one to raise awareness, one to spread the word and one to fundraise to support those communities worst affected by air pollution. 
The best part? Your students can choose what their activities are and design the scheme for themselves. 

How does my school take part?

To sign up, create your school profile by signing up here - simply click the Register button above. Access our free educational resource pack in your school profile to share with your students. Then you and your students can decide the activities you would like to complete as part of the scheme. You can take part anytime in the school year and any group of pupils can be your school Champions - this could be the school council, a particular class or your Eco Club. 

Find out more on our How it Works page

  • Amaya maan just donated £26.00
  • Yulia just donated £12.60
  • Anonymous just donated £12.00
  • Rimrose Hope CofE Primary just donated £84.00
  • Mrs Sibson just donated £5.00
  • Anonymous just donated £36.00
  • Mrs Towler and Mrs Walker just donated £10.50
  • Mrs Venn and Mrs Kielty just donated £10.50
  • Jane Gardiner just donated £5.25
  • Mrs Shirra just donated £5.25
  • Anonymous just donated £12.00
  • Anonymous just donated £5.25
  • Sally Grace just donated £5.25
  • Miss Bird just donated £11.55
  • Nikki McLean just donated £5.25
  • Luna Bird just donated £10.50
  • Karen Whyte just donated £10.50
  • Anonymous just donated £30.00
  • Carly and Bob Appleby just donated £10.00
  • Tom Austin just donated £9.53

A look at the leaderboards

Top Individuals

Top Classes

Top Schools

Raised so far


Our goal


Total walking distance

260 miles
