Any questions?

Want to do the scheme?

Get in touch

We are on hand to support you, your Champions, and your school throughout the scheme. 

We’d love to hear from you – whether you have questions, would like any resources posted out or to share how your school is getting on with the scheme - you can email us anytime at

How to get involved

Want to get your school or group involved in the Clean Air Champions scheme? Here’s how to take it on: 

Get in touch with us to let us know! Use this form to tell us you’re interested in the scheme, and we’ll send you everything you need. 

2. We’ll be in touch to help co-ordinate running the scheme however works best for you and can provide any more information you need. 

3. We will send across the resources for the campaign, including the guides for Student Champions, educational worksheets, and presentations. 

4. When you’ve decided when you would like to do your sponsored walking challenge, we’ll send you a bespoke link to our challenge website. You can then sign your school up and set up your school’s profile here. 

5. Once your school profile is set up, you can create Teams for your classes and invite your students to sign up with their own profiles and join a team. 