I’m doing the Hope Half Hour this January.
Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with lung disease. Asthma + Lung UK is the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. The Asthma + Lung UK helpline gives on average half an hour of support to everyone who contacts them.
I’m doing the Hope Half Hour, walking half an hour every day in January, to make a difference. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!
My Progress – Hope Half Hour
January 2023
My Activity Tracking
My Updates

Last Day!
Tuesday 31st Jan

Day 30
Monday 30th Jan Today has been a lovely day, quite sunny and, at times really quite warm. After the frustrating time not being able to identify the tiny, noisy birds at the top of the pine tree I decided to take my binocs this time and revisit the churchyard. So we headed down there again but, unfortunately the tiny birds had probably long gone. There were however still a lot of birds flittering between trees and bushes, particularly in a very atmospheric area of Yew trees which they seem to love. I shall certainly go down there again when not on an actual walk.
Day 29
Sunday 29th Jan I can't believe there are just two more days of this challenge left! Today, as we were both tired and there was a ridiculously chilly breeze we stuck to our usual walk but for a bit of a change from the last few days we went round in a clockwise difrection. We started off down the main road then right and into the churchyard.
Day 28
Saturday 28th Jan Today's exercise came in two bursts as we had a walk this morning and then, this afternoon we returned to the park to do the RSPB Garden Birdwatch. I haven't counted the latter in my minutes because the birdwatching was a bit static to truthfully count as a walk.
Day 27
Friday 27th Jan We had a lovely walk today, not over long but we took our time in the sunshine and I was able to take plenty of photos as we walked along (see below).
Day 26
Friday 27th Jan After yesterday's long walk we were both rather tired today and also needed to pop home again to drop off some things that we don't need over the next couple of days. Neither of us has a car and so, staying locally we can do these 'daft' things. After relaxing over some lunch we we walked past the Little Bridge House and down the path next to the park yet again. It was nice to see that the sheep are back in the field again (picture below) and I also took a photo of a Robin in a Blackthorn bush and one of the bare trees in the park which looked attractive against the sky (I like the latticework of branches). We then turned left along by the river, then left again and around past the playground to the central path. Then, as we still had to get back to where we are staying we left the park, walked up the main road past Boots, right and then left up North Road, over the beck on the road bridge, across the Kirkstone Pass Road and along the lane to our 'base'. Share
Day 25
Wednesday 25th Jan Darn, I have just written a long post and lost the lot! The short version is that we walked to to Rydal today in the rain. En route we saw the friendly neighbourhood Tawny Owl asleep in a tree, some lovely old walls at the side of the lane covered in moss and lichen including some lichen with ‘golf tee’ fruiting bodies, some very misty fells, some large trees which had been brought down by recent storms and a lovely old house with accidental or deliberate garden sheep!
Day 24
Tuesday 24th Jan Today dawned misty and distinctly uninviting. After a gentle start to the day I packed up some washing to take home and we both wandered down into the village to check our respective post and so I could drop the washing off (less to carry later in the week). After a coffee at our usual spot we then walked down past the school narrowly avoiding a rather aggressive dog on a lead and veered off into the church grounds out of its way. We felt a bit concerned when it’s owner decided to take the same route, perhaps to avoid other dogs which this dog obviously took exception to. Anyway they left the main path and a sense of peace was quickly restored.
Day 23
Monday 23rd Jan A bit of a different walk today. We decided despite the dampness of the day (at least not as cold) to catch the bus to Grasmere. After calling into a cafe there for lovely cheese scones and coffee we set off on our walk. We first started along a little road in the general direction of Easdale. This joins up with the drive up to Allan Bank one of the National Trust’s less formal properties (closed today). From the bottom of the drive there is the start of a pretty level permissive path which we followed along, past Glenthorne, the Quaker guesthouse. We know this path very well as it leads to Goody Bridge, somewhere we have stayed many times. It is so peaceful there that any tension we might be feeling drains away.
Day 22
Sunday 22nd Jan Today has been, for the most part a relaxing one as the weather has been cold, dark, damp and dreary. However early this afternoon we ventured down into the village from where we are staying for a bit of lunch at the cafe. Then, suitably fortified we called in at my house to check the viability of some sprouts (they were not) before heading out on our cold, misty walk.
Day 21
Saturday 21st Jan Today was my friend’s birthday and so after a leisurely start to the day we wandered into the village for a coffee outside our favourite cafe.
Day 20
Saturday 21st Jan ‘Today’s’ blog has had to be written in retrospect due to my iPad running out of juice yesterday and deleting everything I had written! Most of yesterday was spent getting ready for a very local birthday trip and so by the time we managed to start our walk the shadows were already lengthening.
Day 19
Thursday 19th Jan Just a quick post today as it is quite late and the day has been a slightly trying one. We didn't manage to get out for a walk until quite late this afternoon due to waiting in for a food delivery which had been delayed by the treacherous driving conditions. Anyway we went out nevertheless and did our 'default' walk down the footpath by the park, round the edge of the park, across the frozen grass to the little road past the car park and back through the churchyard. No photos today as it was freeeeezing! Share
Day 18
Thursday 19th Jan Another day of glorious sunny weather but a bitterly cold wind. Today we thought we would start off by walking through the centre of the village. I tend to avoid doing that when it is very busy with visitors, prefering to stick to the quieter streets, however it is quite quiet at the moment. it was interesting to see the changes since the last time I went that way. There were two new pizza places that I hadn't spotted before and there seem to be more holiday cottage renting places which is a bit of a worry as quite a few places in the Lakes have now become pretty much devoid of full time residents and housing is very expensive.
Day 17
Tuesday 17th Jan This afternoon we decided to set off in a slightly different direction (at least initially). Instead of going straight along the main road we diverted up North Road which took us across another of the approximately 9 bridges which cross over Stockghyll Beck. From that bridge we got a lovely view looking down the beck with the old watermill on the right with its waterwheel and very attractive old buildings on the left. (photo below) This area used to be called Rattleghyll because of the sound made by the bobbin mills there. Looking up the beck from the bridge I spotted and photographed another Dipper very well camouflaged against the stones of the beck.
Day 16
Monday 16th Jan Well today I have passed the half way point of this challenge :-). After yesterday's longer walk we decided to revert to our good old faithful circular one. The sky was a brilliant blue and the mountains topped with snow. The wind was icy cold but at least we were both well wrapped up. As the scenery looked so beautiful we ambled at a fairly relaxed pace down the footpath next to the park trying to avoid any icy spots and with me taking a few photos to put on here (please see down at the bottom of the page).
Day 15
Sunday 15th Jan Today I decided that we should have a change from our usual route, particularly as it was actually dry for once with even a suggestion of sunshine. One of our favourite walks is up past our local full sized waterfall to a seat at the bottom of a well worn track up a steep local fell (the fell itself being too steep for us these days). From this seat we can see spectacular views across our valley all the way to the distant Coniston Fells and the famous Langdales.
Day 14
Saturday 14th Jan Today was a bit of a tired day so we decided to stick to our old faithful circular walk. After having a cup of tea together outside our favourite cafe, I nipped home for a few minutes and then we reconvened and immediately spotted one of the local Buzzards after hearing it 'mewing' overhead.
Day 13
Friday 13th Jan A bit of a longer walk today. We needed to call into the building society briefly so started off the opposite direction to our usual route. As we came out my walking companion suggested that we go down to the lake which is around a mile away from the centre of the village. It was a bit chillier than it has been lately and could be best summed up as a mixture of showers, sunshine and plenty of rainbows!
Day 12
Thursday 12th Jan Today's walk was unusual in that I was alone (my usual walking companion needed a rest) and it was not actually raining (made up for it now though). It was however pretty windy.
Day 11
Wednesday 11th Jan Today has been another rather soggy one, although not as bad as yesterday. We started off our walk by going down to the Health Centre just to drop something off. On the way we noticed that although the beck was still looking quite feisty it is lower than yesterday. As we were in the vicinity we then went down our usual footpath which runs alongside the beck. Fortunately the path was still there. As it was raining more lightly by the time we reached the river I used my phone to try and take some photos but had forgotten that the camera of my new (refurbed) phone does not line up with the hole in my old case! One photo was O.K. so I will try and upload it. It illustrates the current wetness quite well.
Day 10
Tuesday 10th Jan Well, today has been every bit as wet as predicted. We delayed our walk, hoping for a lull in the rain but, as it didn't really happen we ended up going just as it was starting to get dark. We decided not to go down the path near the park today as one section has looked as if it would quite like to join the beck for some time. However we couldn't stop ourselves from going a bit in that direction do go and look at the beck from the main road (a rainy weather local pastime). It looked pretty wild as it came down past the old mill and curved around under the Little Bridge House. We then retraced our steps down the main road, cutting through the churchyard in the gathering rainy gloom to go down to the park. The dampness then got to me a bit (hooray for Ventolin). The park was as wet as could be expected and both the beck and the river looked high and starting to overflow so we didn't go too close but from where we were standing we could see that the beck was starting to push against the side of the modern footbridge so we beat a hasty retreat back to the warm and dry. Share
Day 9
Monday 9th Jan Today we started in a different part of the village and so started off walking past the oldest cottages in the lower part of the village. Most of them are holiday cottages now. We then crossed over the main road and walked down past the recreation ground (closed now). I noticed that near to what was the putting green there is a miniature model air ambulance. I hav never noticed that before. I wonder if they ever land near there as (sadly) they are often needed around here. Then we walked past the car park and into the park itself. There were lots of little birds flitting between the trees close to the river. The flock of long tailed tits were there again-they really are delightful. We also saw a tree creeper which is another one of our favourite birds and often seen near a nuthatch (one creeping up and the other creeping down) Spring definitely seems to have Sprung (at least temporarily) in this corner of the Lakes. Following that we (predictably) went up the path near the park which is the ideal spot to appreciate the first convincing snow of the winter up on the fell tops. Yellow weather warning for rain tomorrow but will go out (carefully) even if I need to wear wellies. Share
Day 8
Monday 9th Jan Today the weather was pretty awful and so we did a bit of a 'basic' sort of walk. Down the path next to the park, around the outside of the park, past the car park and back through the graveyard which is a real haven for birdlife. Today we saw a nuthatch which is always a lovely bird to see. There was also a mystery mammal which ran across the path and disappeared near the base of a pine tree. It was quite a way in the distance and in all likelihood it was a grey squirrel but seemed rather dark for that so we will have to keep a lookout incase it is something more un usual. Share
Day 7
Saturday 7th Jan Today's walk was a walk of two halves. We started off down the usual footpath but, feeling much better than yesterday we went over the little footbridge and along the minor road beside the river. While going down the footpath we saw a flock of rooks interspersed with black-headed gulls and the odd jackdaw. They were all doing a good job of aerating the Uni. football pitch whist looking for juicy morsels. We also saw a delightful flock of long-tailed tits which was a bit of a relief after seeing the lonely one yesterday.
Day 6
Friday 6th Jan Rather a dull day today again. Just wandered down the path next to the park again where we say some Great Tits for the first time for ages (I don't know where the little birds have been hiding). Also saw a long-tailed Tit which, most unusually was alone-a bit of a worry. The beck and the river have dropped a bit so we could see the 'Dipper stones' again but no sign of the Dippers. Maybe tomorrow. Then we pottered along by the river and straight through the park as I was completely lacking any 'oomph' today for some reason. Share
Day 5
Thursday 5th Jan Today was another walk in the rain alough not too heavy. At least it brought out the natural colours beautifully. It was delightful seeing the little rain drops glistening on the spikes of the blackthorn and the beautiful copper coloured beech leaves against the dark trunks. We started off by going down the footpath near the park and crossed over the little hump backed bridge then left along the minor road that runs along the river. There is an awful lot of water about (as you would expect) and it wouldn't take much more rain for the river to come over. We didn't go a particularly long way but it was nice to be in the fresh air and we noticed the work that was being done on an ex-hotel presumably to extend it and visited our usual first snowdrop spotting site-the leaves ar starting to come through and one looked as if it would be out before long. We then retraced our steps and back to the cafe for some soup-delicious. Share
Day 4
Wednesday 4th Jan Today I had to go to an appointment that I knew would take a big chunk of the day and so I decided to do my walk before breakfast. It was a dull, wet and windy morning and so I just did the same circular walk as yesterday. I must admit it felt a real effort today but I am glad that I did it :-) . Share
Day 3
Tuesday 3rd Jan Well today has been another very soggy one. So today's walk was a circular one down a footpath, through the park then via a strategically placed play bridge in the deserted play area to avoid a too deep puddle then past the car park and through the churchyard and back to our favourite cafe for a lovely soup.The river and the beck are coming up with all the rain, the little waterfall next to the park was looking magnificent and we saw a beautiful little Coal Tit who looked to be in full breeding plumage already! A good walk :-) Share
Well, I've started
Monday 2nd Jan That's the first two days done. The first little womble was very, very local as the weather was not so good but today had a lovely walk to Waterhead and back in the sunshine.I know I was out for a bit longer than an hour today but could only really claim an hour as I forgot to notice the time that I started. Tomorrow I will try to be a bit more organised about the whole thing! ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Nick Flood

Laura Robinson

Jane James
Lovely thing to do, well done

Charlotte Scott-barrett
Such a good cause. Good luck with the walking.

Carole Webster
Well done Lesley- such a brilliant advice line & well done for walking in January when the weather is not great. Thanks

Jenifer Worden
Keep going!

Miss L Flood
My Gallery

Spot the Sparrows

The model air ambulance on the rec.

St. Mary's Church

An accidental waterfall

Actual waterfall next to the park

The lake in the car park

The lake is looking high

A dramatic sky over the lake

A beautiful drystone wall

The first rainbow

Jackdaws enjoying the sunshine

A park with a view

Another view of the church

Stone footbridge over the river

The little waterfall (again)

Latttice work of tree roots

My little walking feet

The road to the waterfalls

The money tree!

Beautiful waterfall spray

Distant snowy fells

Beautiful view

A really frosty day!

New and old water height measures

Stockghyll beck with the old waterwheel

Frosty fence post

Wansfell from the carpark

Spot the dipper 2

The little waterfall again


Spot the Dipper 3

The Fairfiled Horseshoe

The lovely Pine Tree

Looking towards Nab Scar

Evernia prunastri aka Oakmoss lichen

Spot the blackbird (for a change)

Favourite pine tree in the mist

Beautiful tree

A misty Traveller’s Rest

A Herdwick Tup

Pine trees in silhouette

A misty day near Grasmere

The Little Bridge House, other side

Mallards bathing in the beck

Berries on the ivy

Rooks on the Uni. football pitch

Loughrigg Fell hiding in the mist

Our local Tawny Owl

Three more Mallards (or perhaps the same)

Oak tree of enormous girth

Cladonia lichen fruiting bodies

Grass flattened by previous flooding

Enormous oak felled by a storm

Rydal stepping stones

Nab Scar looking brooding

Rydal Falls and the ‘grot’

Upper Rydal Falls Electricity Generation

Distant fells from Rydal Park

Sun at last!

Amazing ‘bottle brush’ of a tree!

Old hollow Ash Tree

Sun and snow patches on Fairfield

Lovely wooded knoll

Weir on the River Rothay

Road bridge over the Brathay

Dipper singing by the Rothay

Beautiful Beeches by the Langdale road

More Snowdrops

Dipper swimming in the Rothay

Footbridge over the Rothay

Dried up but still attractive Beech leaves

Hazel catkins

Wonderfully gnarled Ash tree

Row of ferns on an Oak

Robin posing for a photo

Beautiful old Beech tree

The sheep back in the 'nibbled' field

The 'calf log' in the River Rothay

The Robin in the Blackthorn

Where has Fairfield gone?

Here be tree 'ents'? I'm sure the one on the right is running!

Beautiful spreading Pine with hidden birds.