Lindsay Butler

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

My Updates

2 weeks in….

Sunday 19th Jan
2 weeks in to my 16 week training plan and all going well. 💪🏻 

Linz does London. 🏃🏽‍♀️

Saturday 4th Jan
I ran the London Marathon back in 2018 in memory of my Dad who passed away the year before. 
Fast forward 7 years and we go again. 💪🏻 

I’m turning 50 this year. What better way to celebrate half a century by running 26.2 miles for Asthma UK. 

London Marathon 2025

Saturday 4th Jan
In 2018 I ran the London Marathon in memory of my Dad. 
Fast forward 7 years- here we go again. 
This year I turn 50 so what better way to celebrate half a century by running 26.2 miles for Asthma UK.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Helen Bord

Barney and Yeovil. It’s in the stars!! Good legs Mrs xxx


Charli Waller

Go Lindsay! See you in Paris. x


Emma Musgrave

Amazing effort! You've got this xx


Peggy Wales

Good luck lindsay. Peggy xx


Kathryn Oliver

Awesome training so far, can’t wait to see you wearing this years medal :)


Katherine Fleming

All the best of luck! You'll smash it xx


Suzanne Paris

Obvs The toon if still available


Andy Robinson

Good luck Linz … you’ll smash it


Emma M

Well done Linz on your running and fundraising xx


Maggie Harriss

Your training is going so well - keep up the good work! Brentford or Southampton for the win this time ⚽️ xx


Rachel Widdicombe

Go Lindsay! 100 Geordie and egg sandwich fan! Thank you from my lungs too xx


Karen Newell

Good luck lovely and go smash it 💪❤️


Natalie Douglas

Proud of you. You’re going to be amazing! Lots of love from the Douglas gang xxx


Chris H


Valerie Gustin

You are an amazing Linds 🤩🏃‍♀️💪, your training, determination and willpower are inspirational and what an amazing thing to do for a great cause xx


Emma M

Good luck Linz.


Melanie Girling


Sarah Cruickshank

Good luck Butler! You’ve got this. Xx


Catherine Greer

Go Sis!!! ❤️


Jas Kaur

Good luck Lindsay! Xx


Katherine Mann

Good luck and enjoy xxxx


Michaela Herriett

Good luck!!


Catrina & Andy

Well done Lindsay! You’ll smash it!


Rachel Cavanagh

Inspiring you are! Smash this you will! PS Rochdale and Huddersfield please


Ailsa Graham

Good luck Lindsay!!!


Vickie Freer

Good Luck Lindz!


Jane Newton

Good luck!


Fran Phelps

Go Lindsay! Great challenge and well done you for raising money for this brilliant charity! 👏


Lauren & James

Good luck Aunty L! ❤️


Steph And Imogen

Good luck Lindsay!


The King Of Dublin


Katie & Alana

Good luck!!


Emma Manning

Good Lindsay!! You can do this 🙌


Ben Wilkinson

I’d like Hull City please Lindsay


Jasmine Greer


Jen Townsend

Good luck Lindsay


Nina, Simon & Sophia

Go Lindsay! Well done for all your hard work training and stretching! and making a difference for Asthma UK x


Jo Milton

Good luck Lindsay!


Lisa Eagling

Good luck Linds you’ve got this 🙌🏼 xx


Maggie Harriss

Brentford & Brighton in the footie fundraiser for me please Lindz xx


The Harborow’s

Good luck xxx


Will Evans

Can I have Wycombe Wanderers and Chesterfield please? One of either the Chairboys or the Spirites have to be lucky for me! Good luck with the running. Go Linda!


Emma Evans

Bravo Lins! Keep the legs rolling! I’ll have Scunthorpe please 😊



Up the Norwich! Good luck Linz


The Nurses

Good Luck Linda, sure you’ll smash it.


Nick Osborne

Wishing you all the very best, the training and the success on the day isn’t lost on me. Enjoy the day too xxx 🥰


Lucy Bethell And Family

Best of luck Lindsay! I know you’ll do brilliantly!


Martin And Lucie Pammenter

Good luck.


Hayley Kirkby

Good luck!!!


Katy, Stephen & Viola


Tony Maxwell

Good Luck Lindsay 👍👊


James Neal

Good luck 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️


Jon Butler

Good Luck Lindsay. Jon & Lesley x


Bob And Karen Celentano

Good luck 😃


Karen Woodcock

Good luck 💜


Kessy Haswell

Good luck! I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly xx


Kevin Ward

Good luck. It is an awesome event! 🙌💥


Amanda Bellamy

Always inspiring me to put my trainers on and dig deeper when I don’t want to run! You Got This Linz!! I’ll be there to support you💝


Kate Knight

Good luck Lindsay


Sue Gilbey

Run off those Costas mate!! You can totally do this and more! Xxx


Emma Nelson

You’ll smash it (again) Linz love DJ Nelson xx


Casey B

Good luck linz, inspiration to us all. So proud of you love you xx


Ethan Keogh

Good luck mum, forever proud of you!


Mam & Les

So proud of you Linz, you’ll smash it!!


Karen White

You go girl !! So proud of you 😘


Amy Hilton

You’ll be amazing!! Very impressed!! X


Hayley Keady


Catherine Greer

Go Linz! Will be cheering you on from the sidelines! Love you! X


Laura & James

Anyone that can run a marathon is an absolute hero!! Go smash it 🙌


Michelle Hayes

You Got this!!! Xx


Kate Bunting

Go Lindsay!


Mr B

You’ll be amazing as always x


