I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!
Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. One of those people was my Grandfather, Peter Compton, who has been diagnosed with asbestosis due to working in the building trade. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. I am running to make my grandfather proud and raise awareness of life altering lung conditions like his. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.
I have also been diagnosed with exercise induced asthma and want to prove to everyone, and myself, that asthma won’t hold you back and you can still achieve what you set out to.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!
Team Breathe Giving Day