Tessa Rusden

London Marathon 2025

Running the London Marathon in Memory of Mike

On the 5th July 2023 we both received a phone call from our dad who told us that Mike, my sister's partner, had had an asthma attack and had very sadly died.  

Even writing this now, we can still feel the shockwaves that hit our sister, their little boy and our whole wider family with this very sudden and traumatic event. No one could prepare Bex and Remy for the impact this unexpected loss had - Mike was a young, healthy American living here in the UK with the rest of his life ahead of him. He was charismatic, funny, witty, intelligent and a wonderful daddy to their little boy Remy. He would have turned 40 this year and is so very missed by everyone who knew him.  

Amidst this tragedy came a wonderful and wide community of family and friends (both in the UK and US), who have supported Bex and Remy these past 18 months. We are so grateful to you all and now ask for some further help. 

As we continue to learn to navigate life without Mike, we have decided to run the London Marathon to raise vital funds for Asthma + Lung UK. The charity's mission is to fight for everyone’s right to breathe and more often than not, people don't realise the daily difficulties and danger that asthma sufferers live with. So we are doing this for you Mike, and everyone else impacted by asthma and lung conditions. 


About Me 

Deciding to apply to run the London Marathon was a very emotive decision I took when heavily pregnant with my third child. I picked up the phone to my brother to triple check I wasn't going mad and by coincidence, he also had the same idea. We decided to apply together and tell Asthma + Lung UK about our, Bex and Remy's story. Three months later they graciously offered us both a place by which time I had just given birth to my little girl, Octavia ❤️ 

I historically hate running and hadn't run more than 5k before I started training for this. Having had two of my three children close together also means I’m definitely not as fit as I have been in previous years. So to say it's going to be a challenge is an understatement 😂🏃

HOWEVER people who know me know I am incredibly persistent and do not give up easily. I have been so surprised at how much I have already enjoyed the training and the small wins each run has given me. I am insanely determined about doing this and completing the gruelling 26.2 miles, which I know Mike would believe I am fully capable of doing. He was a massive advocate for mind over matter and I know he's looking down on Jonners and me as we train for this crazy challenge! 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance; we massively appreciate anything you can donate to either of our pages.  

Thank you so much, 

Tess & Jonners 

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gordon Tempest-hay


Lucy Millar

Good luck Tessa!! Xx


Dan, Sophie And Remy


Harriett Osborne

You’re an absolute superstar and inspiration to all of us! Run, Tessa, run!! Xx


Lewis Wilks


Eddie Keough


Paola Nicolaides


Maddie Alex And Alf Xx

So proud of you x


Katie O’lone

You’re smashing it, unbelievable effort! Xxxx


Karen, Dan And Hollie X

Well done you. Keep going!! X


Clive & Saron

What a great role model you are to your 3 cubs. So very proud of what you are doing xx


Catherine, Mark And Grace Xx

Go Tessa!!


Meg Annable

What an incredible challenge you have taken on for a cause so close to our hearts. You are doing amazing and will absolutely smash it on the big day. Every time the running gets tough just remember how proud we all are of you and in particular how proud Mike would be xx


Amber Lamari

you will do amazing xxx


Alice, Greg, Millie And Izzy

You’re absolutely smashing this!! xx


Sacha And Jason

So proud of you! Smashing your training! You’re going to do amazing on the day and for such a great cause. Mike would be so proud xxx


Carla, John, Esme & Jos

So inspiring seeing you train incredibly hard in memory of Mike. You are amazing! See you at the finish line!


Aimee, Nick, Ella And Edie

You’ve totally got this!! We are so proud of you! Xx


Martin Annable

Mike would be proud of you both!


Lucy Godding

Go Bridget! Honk honk xx


Tom Gatzen

Good luck to you both- you will smash it!


Hollie Hart

You have totally go this. Let the January training block commence - you can do it 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Bianca Cox

Amazing Tessa - wishing you so much luck, lots of love xx


Soph X

You amaze me! Will be there to cheer you on Bridge xx


Carla Goodman

Good luck! X


Chloe, Ben, Otis And D

Wow super mama! I’m so impressed you’re doing this! I’m so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law, that’s so tragic and so sad. Sending you lots of love!


Sarah Harman

Best of luck Tessa and Jonners!! X


Sophia Boudjemaa

Amazing work and an amazing cause Tessa! Rooting for you 🥰


Jess Chapman

What you’re doing is amazing, wishing you the best of luck x


Georgie Tremaine

Go on Bunny and Jonners! Run like the wind. Love Remy’s girlfriend (and George and Ant x)


Laura Robertson

So proud of you Tess 😘


Claire Annable

So proud if you and Jonners. You will smash it. Xx



You’re amazing! I know you’ll do him proud x
