Simon Moody

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 in memory of my Mum-In-Law Helena

 I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe.

I am running to raise awareness of COPD which is
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This where air cannot get out of the lungs easily and In the UK there are 1.3 million people with a diagnosis of COPD. And each year, around 30,000 people die in the UK from COPD.

COPD is a long-term condition with no current cure. However, there are treatments and medications to help people breathe more easily and help people keep active. Running for Asthma + Lung UK I want to support by raising funds for treatments of those who suffer with COPD and other unknown lung conditions

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make

My Achievements

My Updates

95kg Deadlift PB

Friday 13th Sep
This morning I managed a 95kg dead lift. I continue to make really good progress in my overall fitness and really proud with how far I've come along in such a short time. I also ran 5km just to continue to keep those legs moving! 

13K run PB

Sunday 8th Sep
This morning I decided to go on a long run and try and increase the distance as previously ran 10K. I managed to achieve 13K, so really pleased with the progress I'm making. It was the first time wearing my new shoes, perhaps a mistake to hit that sort of distance without bedding them in on shorter runs but I was determined to beat the 10K target. 

Golf charity day!

Wednesday 4th Sep
To support the fundraising for the Marathon next year, we have organised a charity golf day at Whetstone Golf Club. It's on October 19th from 13:00. I really love my golf and this will be a great way to have fun, raise some money and raise awareness of the great work Asthma + Lung UK do.

PB 67.5kg bench press

Wednesday 4th Sep
This morning I achieved 67.5kgs on the bench press, so making some real steady strides with the fitness. I also decided to do a 5K run this morning, unfortunately not in my new shoes as they sent the wrong colour. I've got the pair I wanted on the way now, so hoping to get in a run or two by the end of the week. The trainers I went for are ASICS GT 2000 12, really comfy and am looking forward to getting more miles in! 

Leicester 10K October 13th

Monday 2nd Sep
Hi all, over the weekend I have entered the Leicester 10K on October 13th! Which will be my first proper running event, I am also looking to run a half marathon in November time but once I have more I will update you! I did my gait Analysis at Runners Need in Leicester at the weekend, great service and managed to get a new pair of running shoes, these should be with me either Tues/Weds this week and am looking forward to giving them a try! 

£500 raised so far!

Friday 30th Aug
Big thankyou to everyone who has helped raise £500 so far! I still have a way to go to reach the £2000 milestone but am heading in the right direction. 
Tomorrow I am heading to Runners Need in Leicester tomorrow to get my Gaite Analysis sorted so I can get some proper running shoes! A new experience which I am looking forward to. 

70kg squats PB

Wednesday 28th Aug
This morning achieved my PB in squatting 70kgs on my back! It felt very heavy this morning, but great to strengthen the legs!  

10K Target Distance

Monday 26th Aug
Today I set off on my longest distance run with the target of 10K which I managed to reach in 1hr 15 mins. It's quite hilly around Lutterworth so I thought that was good achievement. Another milestone reached as I continue to push for further distances in my training.

Deadlift PB - 80kg

Friday 23rd Aug
Today I hit my PB of 80kg Deadlift! Training still going well and continue to suprise myself with the progress being made! Thankyou everyone for your continued support and sponsorship.

Back from Holiday

Wednesday 21st Aug
I had a lovely holiday to Switzerland and France. Whilst I was away my training didn't stop, I managed to do video sessions with my personal trainer to keep working on my fitness. Since I've returned I've continued with the PT work plus getting the running in aswell. Every run I'm definitely feeling stronger so the hard work is paying off. Soon I will be attending park runs aswell as earmarking a couple of events later on in the year as I get towards the marathon goal. 

Thankyou to everyone that has supported me with sponsorship so far it really means alot to me and my family! Stay tuned for more updates 😄

Personal Best!

Friday 2nd Aug
This week has been a really good week in achieving my personal best with my Dead Lift and Bench Press at my PT sessions.

I managed 70kgs on the Dead Lift and 62.5kg on the Bench Press. My PT sessions I have been doing now for over a month and half which is really helping with my fitness. As I continue to give myself the best possible chance for when the Marathon comes around :-)

Training ongoing!

Wednesday 31st Jul
Hi all! So currently I am doing PT sessions 3 times a week (a month in so far and surviving!) This is to increase my fitness and currently completely runs up to 6K so far! Training is going well, and over the next few months will be increasing the distance and continue building up my fitness to give myself the best possible chance! I will continue to add to the blog, as looking at other fund raising initiatives to help reach my target.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Ebay Sale


Emma Mcculloch

Great cause Simon you’ll smash it!


Ebay Sale


Vinted Sale


Shaun Scott







Parmy, Paul And Rohan X

Best of luck with training and go smash it xx


Chris Moody



Richard Gray

Go smash it !!


Heidi Galloway


Dawn Roberts

Smash it, mate!



Good luck Si! You're going to smash this 🏃‍♂️


Jamie Pettingill

Fantastic effort and an amazing cause! You’ve got this 💪


James Moore

Amazing Simon. You are going to smash it and we're all behind you.


Megan Rose

Good luck Simon!


Simon Moody

Go for it King 🫡
