Rebecca Baldock

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 in memory of my wonderful Dad x

I’ll be running this marathon in memory of my amazing dad who had suffered with COPD for several years, the last few months we have seen his infections become more and more frequent, on May 30th 2024 he was taken into hospital with a twisted bowel where he then had to go through 2 massive operations, having also previously suffered a stroke few years back there were a lot of risks involved so serious that we were told on a few occasions to expect the worse and be prepared to say our goodbyes, the warrior he was he made it through his 2 ops which were such a high risk not only because of the type of op but due to his oxygen levels from his COPD, unfortunately 3 days following on from his 2nd operation we were told he had suffered a large stroke affecting the right side of his brain and he wasn’t able to fully be taken off oxygen, 
17 hours after the doctors had removed all medication my wonderful dad took his last breath on the 9th June xx

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors



Your smash it babe! All the best!


Hayley Manton

Amazing! ♥️


Hayley Henderson

Good luck Bec x x


Ashley Emanuel

Good luck you absolute beaut ❤️


Nathan Muller

Good luck!!! Great cause!x🏃‍♀️


Chelsie Bagoly

Good luck babe we will all be there watching xx
