Rachel Kitson

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

I have been Team Breathe since October 2020, when my son spent 6 days on a life support machine fighting for his life because of a massive asthma attack. It is going to be an honour to run the 2025 London Marathon for Asthma and Lung UK's, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. 

Very few people know of Ethan’s ongoing health battles – something that is about to change because I am so proud of him. Holidays cancelled, plans changed, he's been blue lighted through Italy, had sleep studies and tests, a bronchoscopy, frequent hospital and Drs appointments, daily assessments and medication, the time off school and times I have stopped him doing the things he loves to keep him safe – and he doesn’t complain, he fights on. You would never know when you meet him and see his smile and feel his energy. Both of my children are the happiest, kindest balls of energy who I couldn’t be prouder of.

I think people can be forgiven for not knowing asthma is really dangerous – I had no idea – but the reality is it’s a daily round of precautionary steps, an ongoing battle to overcome and, for us, applying a risk assessment to everything we do. For a Mum it is torture, I have spent hours watching him sleep - watching his chest go up and down and making sure he is ok.  Ethan doesn't 'wheeze' in the way you may associate with Asthma and how you know what's happening to someone - you can't hear it, it just strikes - he's quiet, we lift his shirt and we see it....he's fighting for his life.

Thanks to the ongoing research of charities like Asthma and Lung UK, our knowledge of asthma, how to manage it and how to treat it is always improving.

 You may wonder why I am doing another one – the answer is complicated and comes from somewhere within the depths of my tormented mind, this burning need to do something, to pay my debts to the universe for the times I have fallen to my knees and begged for him on the floor of a hospital, for the times I have looked him in the eyes in the back of an ambulance and told him everything is ok praying he can’t see the fear in my eyes, not because for one second I doubt his strength, but because I know the magnitude of what’s to come.    It’s a burning need to do anything and everything to help my child. It's about finding my inner strength to allow me to be the best Mummy I can be to my children. 

Anyone who’s had a poorly child will know the impact it has on a family, especially on siblings, Ethan’s sister worries but she also gets jealous of the hospital appointments, she doesn’t understand it, but she is always our sunshine and Ethan adores her and she deserves a special mention too for being such an amazing little girl. 💕

Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

Our challenge. Our fight. Thanks for reading. Thanks for donating! Let’s gooooooooooooooooo!

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Peter Barritt



Amazing Mumma, you’ve got this 💪🏻


Sophie Adams


Ellie Thornton

What a brave little lad he is! You’re amazing Rach, you’ll absolutely smash it💥 Sending love from the Thornton’s💗🤍


Thirteen Lucky Ltd

Ethan and Frankie are beyond lucky to have such a strong and loving mummy and we are all so lucky to count you as a friend. For all the times you've cheered on those around you and given us all the confidence to take on hard things, I'm going to be yelling at the telly when we see you cross this finish line. Go smash it girlie ♥️



Ethan and Frankie are amazing Rach! Let's go!!!



Your children are amazing! Go Rach


Penelope Kitson

Amazing girl, amazing charity, really proud of you for running this again Rach xxxx
