Peter Spencer

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 in memory of my daughter Katie who would have been 25 next year

Katie loved life and was a little pocket rocket, always with a smile on her face. To us her asthma was not serious. Katie just suffered a little when she had a cold. We never imagined asthma would take her. Most people, us included thought asthma was just an illness which made you a little wheezy at times. How wrong we were.

In 2012 Katie had an asthma attack. After 4 days in hospital we had to let her go. Katie was 11 years old.

This will be my 4th London Marathon for Asthma UK. If I can raise £4,000 my total raised since 2016 will be over £20,000

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Alan Gomersall


Roger Poole






Graham Bishop


St Helens, Benson

From all at St Helens, Benson. With very best wishes and good luck!


Malcolm Smith


Sally Green

Such a worthy cause, good luck with the training.


Kerry Beaumont


Alan Richard Cliff

Well done, Peter, and vest wishes.


Elizabeth Beswick


Susan Spencer


Tony & Flange


Jo Fielding


Clare Conant


Chris Raspin

Good luck, Peter


Kathryn Trout


Beverly French


David & Sally

Very brave of you! Good luck


Dorothy Thompson




The Malt Shovell

From The Malt Shovel Bubbenhall.


Teresa Smith


Shirley Smith


Stuart King

United in grief. We have both lost a daughter. Power to your legs in the marathon.
