Noor & Magita

London Marathon 2025

We're running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

In November of 2021, we lost our grandfather and father, Ali Khalouha, to pulmonary fibrosis. He was a dedicated doctor whose life was a beacon of selflessness and compassion. His absence is a chasm that words fail to describe — the grief that lingers is a testament to the extraordinary love he poured into our souls. We run together to honor his memory.

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. This stark reality propels us to take action. In April 2025, we will run the London Marathon for Asthma + Lung UK, the sole UK charity that champions the right to breathe freely. Each step we take and every pound we raise will contribute to a world where healthy lungs are a given, not a privilege.

This cause is deeply personal to us. Our grandfather and father devoted his life to healing others, and we are committed to carrying forward his mission. By supporting our marathon journey, you are not just making a donation; you are investing in a future where lung diseases are better understood and better treated.

Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a tangible difference. We run in tribute to Ali Khalouha, who profoundly touched the world, leaving it entirely better than he found it; together, we can continue his legacy of love and healing.

Thank you for your support and generosity.

With love,

Noor and Magita.

My Achievements
