Nikita Rajkumar

London Marathon 2025

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I’m running the London Marathon in 2025!

Wednesday 3rd Jul
I’m running the London Marathon next year in support of Asthma + Lung UK. Growing up, I struggled a lot with my asthma - I used to run out of breath walking up the stairs, and sports day would be a day I dreaded the most. Keeping up with children my age was difficult. I was told that I would always struggle with running and so I shouldn’t bother. 

But I didn’t listen to them and today I’ve run a number of half marathons and I also ran my first marathon in Paris this year. Running has been transformative in helping me manage my asthma and build my lung capacity, and to simply enjoy life a little more. A thing as simple as breathing, something most people do subconsciously, is actually a luxury to many. I’m hoping to raise money & also to bring awareness to the cause. 

Every little bit helps, thank you for donating and for taking the time to read this page! :)))

Thank you to my Sponsors



You are an inspiration to a lot of young people and are showing a kind gesture here.



So proud of you! You got this! Eddie x



Good luck Nikita!


Izzy Lalli

You are amazing🌟



Excellent cause!
