Molly Robinson

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 for Team Breathe!

I'm so grateful to let you know that I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK.

As a family we have been massively affected by Lung Cancer, CODP and Asthma. With the recent passing of my Uncle Robert in 2023, Lung Cancer was a huge part in his battle, leaving a hole in our family. 

Running this marathon allows me to raise money for an amazing charity, helping them with vital research and bring awareness to others. 

Doing this will keep my Uncle Roberts memory close to us all especially for my Nan who also has COPD. My mum also lost a dear friend to Asthma so I'll be running this in her memory too! 

Any donations will be greatly appreciated and going to an amazing cause, to help more people live a long and healthy life! It would mean the world to me, my family and many others 

Lots of love,

Moll xx 

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My Updates

Marathon Training started!!!

Monday 13th May
Hey everyone! Today I began my marathon training!! how exciting, ill link my strive so you can all follow along :)