
London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

**Guess who's back for round two! 🎉🏃‍♂️**

Yep, I’m hitting the streets of London again for my second marathon! After earning that shiny 6-star medal, I thought my marathon days *might* be behind me… but London has a way of drawing you back in! Picture it: one giant block party, only with a bit more sweat. And when I heard my friends were signing up, well, let’s just say the *FOMO* was real.

As a kid, asthma kept me on the sidelines when I just wanted to be out there, playing and getting into all sorts of trouble like every other kid! I was lucky enough to grow out of it, but so many people aren’t as lucky. That’s why I’m thrilled to be back with Team Breathe for round two!

So here I am, gearing up for another 26.2 miles of fun, friends, and probably some blisters. But this time, I need *your* help to make it extra meaningful. Whether it’s a few pounds or a whole bunch, every little bit gets me one step closer to my goal—and makes all this running well worth it. 😊

Got a pound to spare? A good-luck emoji? Send it my way and let’s make this marathon one to remember!

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Marge Smith


Marge Smith

Good luck Maria!


Lisa Canino


Christmas Raffle Baskets


Disa Saugstad


Michelle Corrado

Go get it,gurllllll
