Kirsty Brown

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

I am thrilled to be able to represent Asthma + Lung UK. As an someone who is living with Asthma I know first hand how difficult and restricting this disease can be. Throughout my life I have had a love for sport and exercise leading me into a career of Physiotherapy. Once qualified I have dedicated my working life to providing education, raising awareness and providing rehabilitation to people diagnosed with a lung condition.

By running this marathon I hope to demonstrate that with the right medication, training and support, we can achieve great things. I am dedicated to this cause and hope that by your donation we are able to provide life changing support and treatments. 

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

My Updates

I have an announcement (Clears throat)

Friday 31st May
End of May bank holiday weekend we decided to have a little get away to the Cotswolds with my immediate family. Due to us being a lager family in different locations it is rare we are all in one place at the same time therefore, I felt this was the most appropriate time to let them know I have applied for a place in the Marathon and I had been successful!
I was very apprehensive as I didn't know what time of reaction I would be get. I was expecting an anxious response especially from my parents as I know they will be worried. That could not have been further form the truth, everyone was shocked but happy and supportive. My parents adding that my determination will drive me to complete this. I am very luck to have such a supportive family, who have all vowed to come on race day to support, cheer and hydrate me through! I will be holding them to this....

Looks like the cat is out of the bag

Much love, Kirsty xx

Wait!!! I'm running a marathon???

Tuesday 21st May
So yesterday I received the email from Asthma and Lung UK to say that I had been successful in my application to run the 2025 London Marathon on behalf of this amazing charity. 
As some of you may be aware, I have been living with Asthma all of my life and at times felt how debleating this disease can be. I have what is called 'Allergic Asthma' and some triggers I am still identifying later on in life. 
I was diagnosed around the age of 7 and this was a very scary time for my parents who needed to quickly educate themselves on how to keep me well, reminding me to take my medication and supporting me through those awful asthma attacks ( One of which my dad told me to hang my head out of the car window on the way to hospital, he thought that may help) 😂
My attacks during my childhood hindered my love for my P.E lessons and sport in general, this was because I was so anxious about becoming breathless. This in turn made others around me anxious too with my sister running cross country with me in case I had an attack. I did however continue to compete in sports and tried all sorts, but it was at the age of 11 I found my love for Hockey! I have since been with the same hockey club for 28 years (showing my age). But growing into my late teens/early twenties I was frustrated that I was not a quick or strong as the other ladies. It was from here that fuelled my carer in Physiotherapy.
Once qualified I have dedicated my carer to researching, rehabilitating and providing education and advice to those with respiratory conditions. But also but taking that advice and education myself, ensuring I am able to achieve wonderful things safely whilst living with Asthma. 
Yesterday was a whirlwind of emotions from excited, proud and keen to start training which then lead to fear. What if I can't do it? What if I am breathless? What if I need my inhaler? Despite my Asthma being well controlled my anxiety around  being breathless is huge but I am all for positive affirmations. I can do this! If I am breathless I'll walk, If I need my inhaler I'll take it! With the right training and listening to my body I will complete this marathon. 

Much Love, Kirsty xx