Isabel Hedgecock

London Marathon 2025

WHY I'm running the London Marathon 2025 ❤️

Not being able to breathe is exhausting at best and terrifying at worst. When your lungs feel like they’re being crushed, even everyday tasks like making a cup of tea or having a conversation become impossible.

This time last year, I spent most of my time unable to breathe due to asthma attacks. I’d had asthma since I was a baby, but until 2020 I thought I’d mostly grown out of it. From 2020-2023 things got worse and worse.

By the beginning of 2023, I often couldn’t get out of bed, walk, talk or work. I spent weeks every month taking courses of steroid tablets, and every time I started to feel like my life was getting back to normal, I’d have another asthma attack. 

Even though I was in the care of York Hospital, it felt like there was nothing they could do to control my asthma. I’d tried so many medications, but nothing prevented my asthma attacks, and most came with unpleasant side effects like insomnia, migraines, or shakiness. 

⭐️ BUT in the autumn of 2023, I was prescribed a different inhaler called Enerzair (which crazily, my dad helped develop) AND I was able to start a brand new biologic treatment called Tezspire.

⭐️ These two medications COMPLETELY changed my life in a matter of months. I’m running and cycling consistently again. I’m not taking constant and sometimes extended periods off work. I’ve got a social life back. But most importantly, I don’t live in constant fear of suffocating. 

🏃‍♀️ I’m now running London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK because everyone deserves to be able to breathe and live without fear.

💸 Even just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I’d be so grateful for any donations you can make: you could literally save someone’s life. 

My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Natalia Kay


R Collins


Deepali Prashantham


Karen Vogelsang

Go girl, you can smash it 😍


Shelline & Doug Wellman

Good luck Isabel!!


Hannah Wellman

Good luck!!! So proud of you ❤️


Matt & Jen Zalick

So proud of you Isabel!
