Helen Lane

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK

In memory of my Dad, I am running the London marathon 2025 to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK. It is estimated that every minute someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition and in 5 of us will develop a lung condition during our lifetime.  

My Dad was a fit, active and healthy 56 year old. Seemingly out of nowhere, he became unwell with a pneumonia infection, which then lead to a respiratory condition called ARDS. Over the next 4 years, this condition changed his life dramatically. He died in 2006, aged only 60. We all miss him very much and he is never far from our thoughts. Everyone who knew my Dad would agree - he was a wonderful person. 

Asthma + Lung UK is a fantastic charity that provides support and resources to people with lung disease and to their families. Every pound I am able to raise will help us get closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

I did not get into running until after we lost Dad. In some ways he is responsible for it, as one of my best friends and I decided to challenge ourselves to a half marathon in September 2006 to raise money for this great charity in Dad’s memory. Although a long time ago, we will never forget the sense of achievement, both physically (as two people who  previously would only ever run for the pub’s last orders) and our fundraising achievements. I have never run a marathon before, but with those memories in mind, and with thoughts of my Dad and the support of my wonderful family and friends, I am sure I can do it!

My Achievements

My Updates

The London Marathon 2025

Wednesday 9th Oct

Thank you to my Sponsors


Rachel Bristow

Go Helen! We will be there to cheer you on. A great cause too. Love you lots R, S, S, M & F xxxxx


Helen Lane

Christmas cake and Christmas jumper cash.


Mary Anderson

Good luck.


Lynn Hill

Well done 👏 you,a worthy charity.


Henry Allen


Helen Cole

Good Luck xx


Elaine Dove



Helen Lane

Cake cash


Jonathan Maxted


Hannah Leach

Good luck. !!


Sophie Rose


Shirley Ward

Good luck Helen, I’m sure you’ll smash it x


Alex Alimo

Good luck Helen!


Luke Maccallum

Good Luck Helly


Lindsey Ollerhead

Go Helly!!! You will smash this as you have done with everything else you have accomplished. Super proud of you, as your Dad would have been. Everest next year!!! Love you loads, Lindsey Lou et al xxxx


Tammy Broslin

Good luck Helen!!!!


Margaret Littler





Just do your best ❤️❤️


Helen Lane



Sam Skuse

Good luck Helen


Pratha Gurung


Luke Maccallum




Helen Dillon

Team Breathe Giving Day


Andy Davis

Go Helen - wishing you a successful London Marathon


Jonathan Horton

Good luck Helen


Iain Anderson



Good Luck Helen xx


Loic Webb-martin

Good luck Helen! Smash it!!


Judy Lane

Will be thinking of you - good luck. Love Judy x


Lanson Polymers

Good luck x


Laney, Ed & Oli

Good luck Helly x



Go girl!!


Jill Goatman

Good luck. Lots of love Mum and Jeff xx


Kerry T

Good luck Helen x


Carla Cappai

A great and important initiative. Congratulations and many thanks :-)


Tina Vernon

Well done Helen, such a great charity x



What a great cause!


Sophie Rose



Good luck ! You will smash it 💕



A great and important initiative. Congratulations and many thanks Helen.


Marina, Chris, Rex, And Skye

Go Helly! ❤️ xxxx


Vanessa Smith

Wishing you all the luck in the world Helen You’ll do yourself and your Dad proud ❤️ And I have every confidence you’ll have a smile on your face and a spring in your step as you cross that finish line 😊 👏 X X


Anne Green

I know you always rise to a challenge . Good luck Helen x


Elaine Dove

Good Luck sweetie- you've got this. Girl power 💗💕💗


Marion Davies

Good luck Helen ☺️ xxx



Good luck Helen


Helen Cole

Go girl !!! Your Dad will be with you all the way 😇🥰


The Lanes (the Other Ones)

Amazing effort for a great cause, good luck!


Rach Mcgrath

You will be tremendous mate!! I hope you're going to dress up! Ha! Good luck xx


George Richards

Good luck Helly!


Naomi Vernon

Dear Helen, Wishing you lots of luck for the marathon and training. Love Naomi & family xxx


Gill Webb

You’ll be amazing Helly! Great cause xxx
