Helen Biddulph

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Your donations will help Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer  calls on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

My Updates

July update

Friday 2nd Aug
🏃‍♀️My marathon training update 🏃‍♀️

So I thought I would give an update on how July has gone….  🗓️ 
It started slow with 1 Mile walks…. But a few weeks on iron tablets I think I started to feel a little better…. I went and walked the park run (3miles) it was great to be back, I didn’t realise how much I missed it! 
Last week having accomplished the park run (or walk) I thought I would see how a little bit of jogging went….. I’ve joint a Facebook group for women who walk run races including marathons…. 🚶 🏃‍♀️ 🚶 And thought I would give it a try….…. Yesterday I managed to walk/run just over 2 miles (25seconds running/ 50 seconds walking) I’m so proud of how far I have come in one month.
I’m going to keep doing this for august and will update again….. 
 📣 in other news…. I may be getting my daughter out to do a first park run/walk with me!!! This weekend every donation I get I’m going to dedicate to holly…. For motivating and encouraging me every step (literally) of the way….
Holly said if I get £50 of donations she will park run with me tomorrow…… 😬

Just getting started! 😬🏃‍♀️

Friday 12th Jul

Hi everyone

📣So I have some epic news 📣……

which will be quite a surprise to many ……I am running the TCS London Marathon 2025 and will be raising money for Asthma + Lung UK as part of Team Breathe.

You all know the London Marathon is a challenge but those close to me will know that although I love running I have always found it really tough, my breathing holds me back and I see very little progress despite training! I’m currently having some tests and investigation to try to get to the bottom of the issues.

The past few months  my breathing has been a lot worse and I’ve not been able to run at all, in fact I cant even get up my stairs! This has been  really frustrating…. And quite frankly I don’t know if I will ever be able to run….but what I do know is I can walk…. And although that’s tough right now, I know with some training I will be able to complete the marathon…. . 

Holly was diagnosed with asthma in 2020 and as a parent it’s scary when you see your child struggling to  breathe. I feel for Holly and everyone else struggling to breathe right now and really empathise with how debilitating this can be. I try to be the absolute best role model for Holly. I want her to know anything is possible, never let anything or anyone hold you back and to appreciate the value of giving back to others and what better way than committing to a marathon and raising money for a charity that is fighting to make peoples life’s, like ours, better. 

My training will be long and very very slow so I’m going to need your support to keep me going over the next 9-months…:: 

⭐️Any words of encouragement will be greatly received. 

⭐️Any offers of company for some walks and maybe nearer the time some slow runs, would be amazing!  

⭐️if you see me out on the street please cheer me on (maybe even donate🤷‍♀️) and feel free to feed me sweets! 

⭐️and off course any donations will definitely keep me motivate. 

I’m Not sure what the marathon will look like for me yet ….: but whether I walk or run it I WILL cross the line!

This year I’ve conquered a 5k and I’ve become a park run addict…:: next year it’s the marathon Baby! 

Yes I know I’m mad but I do love a challenge! . 

Now for your call to action!!!!!

If you have any pounds to spare please click the link below ⬇️ to donate and show your support for me and this amazing charity. And I will keep you updated on my progress and milestones along the way




Thank you to my Sponsors


Mum And Dad

We are really proud of you to take on such a challenge. We know you will complete it by running or walking! Just remember we will be waiting at the finish line! We love you lots. Mum and Dad xx


Mandy Grantham

Go smash it Helen. You’re amazing xxx


Marcia Hayward

We will be routing for you! Paul & Marci (John Lamberts daughter. Xxx


Gabby Hanson-assan

Helen, I’m so proud of you for taking on this enormous challenge. Just take it step by step. I support you all the way at! You got this! Big hugs 💪🏽


Rachel Lindsay

Well done Helen, what a fantastic challenge to train for, good luck with the training and enjoy the marathon


Lou Lou

That’s flipping awesome!! Good luck with all the training and the race! x


Danielle Burlington

Absolutely amazing, can't wait to support you on your journey


Debz & Howard

We are really proud of you and will be supporting you along this journey!


Holly Biddulph

I’m sooo happy for you!!!! You will do amazing! Love you holly xxx
