Cori Bullett

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Hi everyone!

My name is Cori and I am running the London Marathon (eep!) to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK.

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. 

I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma as a child, but it didn’t affect me often and so I let my inhalers run out and didn’t replace them. 

Then about 6 years ago, after a netball game, I had an asthma attack, which luckily wasn’t as serious as it could have been. Since then I have taken my condition much more seriously, and so I am running the marathon to prove that asthma doesn’t hold me back, whilst raising money for an incredible charity!

Asthma + Lung UK is the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs. Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. 

Any donations are very much appreciated, but as a little added incentive…

£10 donation: guess my finish time and the closest guess wins a sweet treat baked by me! (Brownie, cake, fudge etc - tbd with the winner!)

£25 donation: the above PLUS you can add a song to my marathon playlist

£100 donation: all the above PLUS you can pick a mile and I will record you a thank you video as I pass that mile

My Achievements

My Updates

Wokingham Half marathon

Tuesday 25th Feb
Before and After - still smiling!

Wokingham Half Marathon

Tuesday 25th Feb
Last Sunday I took on my second ever half marathon race (but the only one that was measured correctly…).

As I got into the start pens, I said to the 2:30 pacer, “my goal is not to see you”. And, mostly, I achieved that. 
There was one point, about 8 miles in, where the pacer was next to me, and I thought absolutely sod that, and picked the pace up for a little bit to get away. I do think they may have been a little ahead of their target at that point…

Anyway, I achieved my goal of sub-2:30 with a 2:27:19. I am so happy with how it went!

The downside of that race is I don’t know how the heck I’m going to double that distance!!

Silverstone half marathon

Sunday 19th Jan
Back in November, I completed my first ever half marathon! (It was measured short but I’m still counting it!!)

I battled through Stom Bert, and 48km/h winds, on Silverstone’s notoriously flat and windy course and successfully ran the full course, with a time even I hadn’t dreamt of!!

I am so proud of myself for this one!!

10 miles in, 16.2 to go.

Wednesday 30th Oct
I was supposed to run the Great South Run a couple of weekends ago, but unfortunately the weather proved too much and the event had to be cancelled. 

But I was determined to complete 10 miles and run the furthest I have ever run. So I did. 

It wasn’t pretty and it wasn’t easy. Bracknell is much hillier than the flat race of Portsmouth, and yes, the weather was windy and rainy, but I got it done!

I also booked a half marathon for mid-November which will be a great test of my training so far!

First ever race

Sunday 29th Sep
PB of 1:10:29

First ever race!

Sunday 29th Sep
I just did my first ever race. 
Yesterday I ran the Windsor Women’s 10k and I actually really enjoyed it!
The sun came out, and I spent a lovely 1:10:29 running in the great park in Windsor. 
It was slightly more hilly than I expected but I grit my teeth and ran the whole thing, and I am SO proud of myself!
It sets me up well for the Great South Run which is in 3 weeks!

The weeks roll by…

Monday 2nd Sep
Last week I ran 12.5k!!!

I drove to Sonning and took the lovely scenic route along the Thames river to Reading, hit the turnaround point and ran back. 

I am so proud of myself, because I only walked 4 minutes in the entire run, which lasted around 1hr 34 minutes. 

I’m going to do another 12.5k again this week to try and build the consistency. 

I think if I can get to a “comfortable” half marathon before Christmas, I’ll be in a really good place starting official marathon training next year!!

Longest run yet…

Thursday 8th Aug
I ran 10k today!

I consciously tried to slow my pace, so that I could go further but what I didn’t factor in were the hills!
I didn’t think I lived in a particularly hilly area, but I now definitely disagree…

I comfortably ran the first 5k but then had to walk for a few minutes. I did start running again, and managed to run most of the rest of the run. 

It’s not the best 10k I’ve ever done (out of those like 3 times) but I did it! It took me 1hr 16 minutes and by 10am I was done with my exercise for the day!

And as I said to myself at the end, my 1hr 16m 10k is the same distance as the Olympians 29 minutes 10k!

A little bit of my running history…

Wednesday 24th Jul
I would consider myself ‘somewhat fit’. 
I always played team sports like hockey and netball as a kid, and still play netball now. I play Wing Attack or Centre, both of which involve a lot of running!
I also go to the gym on a pretty regular basis, and enjoy doing HIIT classes. 

But this is running. This is a whole different type of fitness 😅

Like everyone else, I got into running during lockdown when we were allowed our one exercise outside for the day. I started running pretty regularly with an aim to run a half marathon before I was 30.
I was running regularly and was so proud when I got to 15k without stopping! (Whilst listening to the Harry Potter audiobook, thank you Steven Fry!). I said to myself, ‘next time I run, I’ll push for that half marathon, 21k’. And then I never ran again…

Until earlier this year when I made a joke to my parents that I’d see them at Bracknell parkrun on Saturday, and then decided to follow through with the joke and send them a picture of me at the parkrun asking them where they were. 
It was funny at the time but now I realise it was the start of the rolling ball which means I’m now running a marathon…

Anyway, I’ve been a fairly regular park runner since I picked it back up at the end of April this year. My current PB is 31.20, am I’m looking to reach that 30min milestone sometime soon!

I’m writing this as I have just got home from my first ‘official’ marathon training run. 6.6K round the streets of Bracknell in 44minutes. Only another 35.6K to go!

Donation Incentives!

Wednesday 17th Jul
Hi all,

Any donations are very much appreciated as I start my marathon training journey, but as a bonus, I’ve added some donation incentives!

£10 donation: guess my finish time and the closest guess will will a sweet treat baked by me! (Think brownies, cake, cookies - to be decided with the winner!)

£25 donation: the above PLUS name a song for me to add to my marathon playlist!

£100 donation: all the above PLUS you can choose a mile and I will record you a personal thank you video as I pass that mile on the marathon!

Thank you so much to everyone for following my journey and supporting me!

Cori x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Lindsay Kirk

Go Cori, go smash this!!!



Best of luck Cori you've got this! Running for charity AND you get bragging rights! :)


Emily Budden

Go Cori!


Sam Lloyd

Good luck Cori!


Karen Smith


Ben Simpson

Good luck! Well done on the Wokingham half, smashing it 🙌👏


Paolo Culora

Best of luck mate. Mega proud and happy that you are doing this. I know you will do great!!! Xx


Penny Webb

I wish you had mentioned you were running earlier xxx good luck babe xxx you will smash it xx


Chris & Wendy... The Parents!

Just a little extra encouragement to spur you on...


Caroline Fox

Good luck Cori, you will absolutely smash it!!!!


Charlotte Elliott

Good Luck! You’re doing soo well! You will smash it!


Andrew Prosser

Go Cori go! Rather you than me!


Serena Last

I’m out of breath just THINKING about what you’re going to do! You’re so brave! If work allows, might even come down and cheer you on! 🏃🏼‍♀️💨 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Roger And Alison

Good luck Cori!


Lorraine Currie

Good luck and smash those miles my little lovely xx


Laura Horrod

It gets easier, I promise - you’ll do great!


Peter Bullett

Good Luck Cori



You're kicking ass! I got faith in you. #proud



Go Cori you will smash it !!!


Charlotte Gold

Wahoo go Cori! Proud of you 🎉


Suzanne Roberts

Go for it!


Chris And Wendy

We are delighted to support you in this... and are with you every step along the way.


Aaron Hopkins

Run forest run!



Finish time: 5h 58m Song: Whipped into shape - Legally Blonde
