Camille Widdison

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

My Updates


Thursday 12th Sep
I recently looked at this, this is my inhaler the medication that keeps me breathing effectively. Without this I wouldn't be able to do physical exercise and would struggle to walk upstairs or like I currently do walk to my job. 

I'm incredibly grateful for what this medication does for me and how it makes me feel. I do think back to those times when I was struggling to take the stairs or walk even the kilometre and how that made me feel. I am young and I should not struggle to do things that others find easy, but with asthma you feel restricted with what you can do as breathing is difficult.

Thanks to this medication and the lovely nurses that I see, I am able to run, cycle, walk and get up stairs!


Monday 12th Aug
Currently base training is the current undertaking, this means I'm just running casual 5km to 10km distance to keep the fitness up. Combined with this I am doing zone 1/2 training on the exercise bike. I will be honest I'm not the biggest stats person for running I don't look at heart rate or anything like that. 

However, I do care about my VO2 Max this is because of being an asthmatic. In 2021, I caught Covid and over those two weeks  my lung capacity was incredibly impacted. Over that period of a year it took a lot to get back into running and I had to start couch to 5K again. Before that I was running on average over 100 km per month, running 4/5 times a week and had my fastest ever times that year. I noticed that my VO2 Max steadily dropped significantly, I was not able to run more than 1km and I struggle to even get upstairs. With new medication and a steady application to running on feel (and building up), I have now increased this back to where it once was.

I am looking forward to documenting properly my marathon training when it starts in November. For now it's just continuing the base training and new adventures.


Wednesday 12th Jun
Hello Team Breathe! I don't know about you, but I am so excited and honoured to be part of this team. I am Camille and I am from Kent. I have wanted to take part in the London Marathon since I took up running 8 years ago and have enter the ballot every year. I was absolutely over the moon when Asthma and Lung UK gave me a place (to the point I thought it was not real). I have had Asthma since I was born and it has limited me in goals and achievements, but thanks to all the support and medicine allows me to manage it successfully and do crazy things like marathons and ultras... This will be my third marathon distance, I did Brighton last year and did an ultra on the beginning of this month (one walking ultra). Feel free to follow the journey on Instagram: camillionruns looking forward to seeing everyone's training and fundraising - good luck everyone!!!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Michael Walsh

Good luck!


Andrew Burwood

You got this!


Ivor Widdison

Hope this helps !


Adam Widdison

Good luck


Darcy Berry

Good luck :))


Gillian Widdison

all the very best camille so proud of you gxx


Camille Widdison


Jessica Snell

Best of luck 🤞 I hope you smash your target and your training 🤍



All the best Camille ! You are amazingggg ❤️


Elspeth Butler

Good luck


Mia Grace

Good luck!! Mia x


Simon Parrott & Coco 🐶

Amazing cause and I’m sure you will smash it. 👏👏👊
