Amy Lou

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Here is my story and reasons: I am choosing to run the London Marathon for team breathe as my son is asthmatic, he would have the usual inhalers the blue and brown until one day last year he had a severe asthma attack, he was admitted to hospital, he is also autistic so being in hospital was very overwhelming for him. He wasn't getting any oxygen and developed something around the lung (will update medical name).. He now uses a steroid type inhaler and is under respiratory care. We have been given the information needed and care numbers. It was very worrying seeing him having a severe asthma attack and finding out everything else that goes with it. The hospital staff were amazing.

So I'll be running 26.2 miles, showing my support for those with Asthma and Lung conditions. 

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

Thank you so much! 

My Achievements
