Allana Pereira

London Marathon 2025

I’m running the London Marathon 2025 to fight for lung health!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. I want to make a difference. I'm running the London Marathon 2025 for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!

My Achievements

My Updates

Introducing me

Monday 26th Aug
Hi everyone’s my names Allana and I’m running the London marathon for this amazing charity to remember my grandad. I am so honoured to have been chosen to run and I’m so excited to be apart of this incredible day raising money for a charity really close to my heart. I lost my grandad to lung disease and COPD during Covid, running became my outlet for everything. While I have never ran a marathon I am so excited to continue my running journey in memory of the people in our lives lung disease has affected. Bring on April :) 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kelly Downing

Proud of you! Never stop being the amazing person you are!



Best of luck allana, will be a monumental feeling forever



Good luck Allana!


Cassius Moretti


Adriana Amaral


Jorge Louzada

Parabéns Alana ! Continue nesse foco e procurando atingir seus sonhos.


José Alexandre C Resnikoff


Scarlett Bouttell

Good Luck Gorgeous you will smash it !!! 😊🏃‍♀️💕


Lyka Quinn


Jack Busby

Silly amounts of proud. Can’t wait to watch you smash it! Love you queen ❤️


Jaz H

My beautiful bestfriend, you’re gonna absolutely smash it, so so proud of you!!! Supporting you from Oz ❤️xxx


Grace Benson

So proud of you gorgeous girl!! One foot in front of the other xx


Kit Murtha

Good luck Allana! You can do it!!


Steph Slack

So proud of you!!!


Teresa Durran

You go girl!


Pat Marshall

Run Allana Run - Good on you


Andrew Mccrory

Good luck Allana! From Your Manager Andrew


Sue Pakenham-walsh

You’re doing so well with your training. Keep going!! John and Sue x


Nicole Albert

What a wonderful thing you’re doing Allana.


Kay Pordes

Abel told me about you. Wishing you all the best as you run your (first?) marathon!


Darmellah Abel

Hi Allana, I just heard from your mom that you're participating in the London marathon for such an important cause—cancer research—and I wanted to congratulate you! 27 miles is an incredible challenge, and I really admire your dedication. Not only is it a huge athletic achievement, but you’re also doing it for a cause that’s close to my heart and affects so many people. I’m wishing you all the strength and energy for the big day, and I’m sure you’re going to give it your all! Congratulations again, you should be really proud of yourself. You are radiant—keep shining and lighting up the world with your commitment, youth, and energy. Good luck, and see you soon! Abel


Omar Bouhout

Bravo Allana i wish a good luck


Louise Roberts

Congrats Allana, that's an amazing goal! -Also a cause close to my heart. (Please say 'Hi' to your mum for me =)


Philip Webb

Fantastic cause in memory of your dad! He would be very proud - best of British with all the training and prep - hopefully see you in London in April to cheer you on ❤️


Fernando Rosa

We are very proud of Allana ^^ Godspeed!


Dawn Dogliotti

Hi Honey, just wanted to say from all of us that we are so proud of you as you embark on this exciting venture for an incredibly important cause. Lots of love❤️




Andrea Chiusolo

Dear Allana just a small contribution to support you and your admirable cause!! Go on girl, we will all stand by you!!!


Sophie Malcolm

Fantastic Allana !! Wonderful cause - think so fondly and often of your lovely dear Grandad - and my mum - both taken by lung cancer ❤️x you’ll absolutely smash it x


Kira Woodland

Go smash it girl❤️



I am so so proud of you my darling! your grandad would be so unbelievably proud of you and i cannot wait to be there to cheer you along! Love you millions xxxx


Jamie And Georgia

You’ve got this!!💜🏃🏽‍♀️✨
