Ready, Steady, Coffee! 

There are so many ways to hold your coffee morning – whether you organise a weekend brunch with your family and friends, a special breakfast with colleagues in the office, or a fun get-together with your club, make it your own!

Just £22 could help someone to receive
life-saving advice from our
Respiratory Specialists.
Bake it, brew it, invite everyone,
and collect your donations!

How do I get started?

  1. Register your coffee morning with us so we can offer you all the support you need!
  2. You’ll get an online page created for your donations (you can collect cash donations offline too) and a free t-shirt for your event.
  3. Download your coffee morning materials, including invite templates, games and more!
  4. Start fundraising – kick things off by making a donation yourself, it’s the best way to inspire other donations.
  5. Spread the word about your amazing event with your friends, family and on social media.
Need anything at all? Drop us an email.

Your Coffee Morning in 6 easy steps!

1. Pick date and venue

Choose a date and a place that suit you and your friends so that many people are able to join!

2. Plan your menu

Whether you make it or fake it, put on a spread that leaves your guests wanting more!

3. Tell everyone!

Put up posters, send emails and messages, share on social media and reach as many as possible. 

4. Send reminders

A few days before the event, send everyone a gentle reminder with the details of your event.

5. Share why it matters

Share your story and the reason why supporting our work is important to you.

6. Collect donations

Raise money online sharing the link to your page or collect cash on the day. People love options!

Marshmallowy treats

Ingredients: 110 grams of butter, 450 grams of marshmallows, 9 cups of your choice of cereal.

1. Place butter and marshmallows in a large microwave-safe bowl and microwave on full power for 1 minute. Carefully, remove bowl from microwave and stir to combine mixture. 
2. Return bowl to microwave and microwave another 30 seconds.Remove from microwave and keep stirring until marshmallows and butter are completely melted together.  
3. Mix in your cereal until well combined. 
Spread mixture evenly in a greased tray or dish and press down evenly with a large spoon (oiled to prevent sticking if needed) and allow to cool.



Any questions?
