Dad's memory

By Nicola Whittle

I’m organising a coffee morning to make a difference.

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. Every pound I raise takes us closer to a world where everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice to someone in need.

Any donations you can give are hugely appreciated - thank you for supporting me and everyone out there living with a lung condition.

My Achievements

My Updates

12 months done.

Thursday 9th May
Well thats may 12 months done and dusted and I have raised an amazing £3500.
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone whose supported, donated and helped me. I think dad would have been proud.
Massive thank you 😊 

Last few weeks

Friday 12th Apr
Well I have a few weeks to go before I complete my 12 months of fundraising in memory of dad.
My goal was to raise £1500 in 12 months well I've smashed that and I still have a few more fundraising things on the go.
I couldn't have raised this much with out all the help and support everyone has given me.
I will do a final update when all funds are in.

Coffee morning success

Monday 4th Mar
Well the coffee morning made over £470 which has now taken my total to over £3000 and still have 2 months of my 12 months to go.
I want to thank everyone who helped, came, baked and donated to the coffee morning.

2nd coffee morning.

Sunday 25th Feb
Well just held my second coffee morning and while it wasn't as busy as the first one it was still lovely to see so many people. I couldn't do them without my helpers. I have a loyal supporters group for my coffee mornings, each of them brings something unique to them and I love them all for it.
I will do a count up properly in the morning and see how we did.
I still can't believe dad's gone and has been for over 12 months now.
I miss him so very very much.
I hope I've done you proud so far dad. 2 months left to go on my 12 months fundraising let's see how much more I can raise


Tuesday 16th Jan
Well we are now half way through January and that means in a few weeks it will be 12 months since dad died. Where has that 12 months gone. I miss him each and every day and I wish he was here to give me a dad hug. Anyway I still have a few months left to reach my 12 months of fundraising.
I have another coffee morning planned at the end of February, I am still selling my bottle lights at the red lion in litton (thank you jeanne for allowing me to continue doing this, and thank you to everyone whose been donating all the lovely bottles, even if they are empty 😀).
My goal on the 1st of May 2023 was to raised £1500 in 12 months well I've smashed that now so my new goal is £3000.
I hope I manage it but even if I don't what I have raised so far will help so many people.

Goodbye 2023

Sunday 31st Dec
Well it 2023 is coming to an end and even thoughbi had to say goodbye to dad I decided to raise some money in his memory. So on 1st May I started 12 months of fundraising with my goal being £1500 for 12 months well I've raised over that and I still have until the end of April 2024 to go.
I couldn't have done it without the support of everyone and of course the red lion at litton where I have sold my bottle.lights and I have just done a grid treasure hunt.
Let's see what I can get my total too.
Happy new year everyone 

Happy christmas

Wednesday 20th Dec
Well its almost time for Christmas and it's been very strange not buying dad his usual walnut whips or maltesers.
I want to wish everyone a happy Christmas and let's hope 2024 is a better one for many of us.
I also want to thank everyone whose helped, donated and I want to thank jeanne at the Red Lion at Litton for her support in letting me sell the gin bottle lights and for the treasure grid.
Without all the support and help I couldn't have raised as much as I have so far.
But plans are in place for more fundraising in 2024.
Miss you dad so very very much xxx

Nearly time for christmas

Wednesday 6th Dec
I.cant believe my total is now over £2000, I said to my self in 12 months I would be happy to make £1500 in memory of dad, well I've smashed that in just over 6 months. I can't thank everyone who has donated, helped and supported my crazy fundraising enough.
But I've not finished, I've got until the end of April to thing of more things today, I will be sorting anotjer coffee morning at the end of February as it will mark 12 months of losing dad. And I will continue selling bottle lights at The red lion at Litton. So keep a look out.
Thank you so much and I hope everyone one has a good Christmas and let's hope 2024 is a happier one xxx

Still in shock

Thursday 23rd Nov
Well I've just added the final amount from the coffee morning and I can't believe how much people loved dad.
I'm still fundraising until the end of April 2024 so let's see how much I can raise.
Thank you to everyone xxx

Well its done

Saturday 18th Nov
Well coffee morning is done and dusted, just got to add everything up.
Thank you to everyone who has donated, helped, given things to me and baked.
A special thank you to my amazing helpers who I couldn't have done it with out. And my amazing little sister, she doesn't know how much she does for me.
I will.update complete total after I've counted.
My goal was to raise £500 let's see how I do xxx

Coffee morning tomorrow.

Friday 17th Nov
Well its the final day before my coffee morning, just had a count on the raffle prizes, over 60 donated. I've also been sorting both lucky dips and tombola. I am panicking slightly that itbwill be a flop but I know people loved dad so I know they will support it they can.
Will update tomorrow what I make. My goal is £500 fingers crossed 🤞 

Missing dad

Thursday 9th Nov
Well the coffee morning is next Saturday and I'm busy sorting raffle prizes, sweet tombola and everything else.
I have some amazing friends who have offered to help on the morning as well as wonderful people offering to help bake and help.
The grief of losing dad hurts like mad but the help and support from people who knew him makes me know how much he was loved and liked by everyone.
Dad I hope I do you proud with this coffee morning.
Forever in my heart always on my mind xxx

Coffee morning

Friday 3rd Nov
Well just over 2 weeks to.go for the coffee morning so I'm busy sorting through raffle prizes, sorting prices out and generally panicking but I have some amazing friends helping me with it and of course my amazing sister who is there for moral support.
Can't believe the generosity of people.
I just hope I make my goal.
Thank you everyone who has donated so far, be it raffle prizes or a donation in dad's memory, I can't tell you how much it means to me.

Busy busy

Friday 27th Oct
Well nearly 3 weeks until the coffee morning and people have been so generous with donating prizes for the raffle as well as offering to bake and help on the day.
The generous nature of everyone is unbelievable but it just goes to show how much dad was liked and repected. I miss him everyday as I know alot of people do.
I hope I do him proud.
Miss you dad.


Monday 16th Oct
I can't believe the generosity of people, the donations of raffle prizes, sweets and of course donations to the total. I can't thank people enough.
Dad was such a huge part of the village and people's lives. We miss him so much xxx

Busy busy

Saturday 14th Oct
I'm busy sorting raffle prizes and cake donations for the coffee morning.
My goal is £500 but would love to smash that.
Thank you to everyone who has donated so far


Tuesday 10th Oct
So I am doing a year of fundraising in memory of my dad, Martin Lockwood who died suddenly in February 2023 from COPD. His lose has left a massive hole in our lives.
If anyone would like to donate please do.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Coffee morning part 1



Money from gin bottle lights


Coffee Morning


Final Donation



The rest of the coffee morning money


Nicola Whittle

Donation from Treasure Hunt at The Red Lion Litton


Nicola Whittle

Donation from bottle light sales at The Red Lion Litton


Jonathan O’connell The Star Inn


Nicola Whittle

Money from.the kids


Peak District Seo

Painting payment


Nicola Whittle


Donation For Garage Sale

£50 from garage sales helpd by Denis


Friendly Donatin


Carrie Warr

Well done Nicky. Martin would have been super proud of the amount you've raised!


John Mckenzie


Daniel Hughes


Stuart Gibbs

Keep up the good work Nicola, your dad was loved by one and all, great man.


Elizabeth Lawrence



A donation from a friend


Donations From Friends



Hope you had a fab day today I’m sure your lovely dad would be so proud of you Nicky. Sorry I could not make it today but I know your hard work will have paid off love.




Jayne Baker

Hope you raise your target,best of luck x
