I’m walking to make a difference.
Yn 1 oed dyma ei’n mab Steffan yn cael diagnosis o asthma brau, ers hynu mae sawl awr o fywyd Steffan wedi bod unai nol ac ymlaen o lle doctor, out of hours neu aros yn yr ysbytu. Mae hyn wedi cael effaith fawr ar fywyd Steffan gan ei fod wedi colli allan ar sawl digwyddiad drost y blynddoedd a llawer o oriau ysgol wedi ei golli. Mae’r blynddoedd cynner o fywyd Steffan wedi bod yn anodd drost ben ac rydym fel teulu wedi cael cyfnodau brawychus iawn. Ond ar ol sawl inhaler, steroids a meddygyniaeth eraill, mae ei asthma yn cael llai o effaith ar ei fywyd erbyn heddiw.
Mae hyn i gyd yn bosib oherwydd gofal arbenning yr NHS sydd wedi galluogi ni i gael diagnosis ac action plan i ni ddilyn pob dydd.
Hefyd yn hynod o bwysig sôn am y cymorth arbenning cafwyd gan Asthma + Lung UK or cychwyn un, oedd pob tro ar gael i siarad ni drwy y cyfodau andros o anodd ac i rhoid help a cymorth ar pob cyfle. Felly dwi’n gwneud y hêr yma i alluogi plant a teuluoedd i gario mlaen cael y cymorth hyn ac i godi mwy o ymwybyddiaeth o asthma. Mi fyddaf yn andros o ddiolchgar o unrhyw rhodd i’r elusen yma.
When our son, Steffan, was just 1 years old he was diagnosed with brittle asthma. Since then, many hours of Steffan’s life has been affected by his asthma, with several visits to our GP, out of hours and stays at hospital. Due to his asthma, many aspects of his life has been affected, including missing out on many events, and hours of school lost. His early years have been very difficult, including some very frightening days. But after many inhalers, steroids and other medication his asthma is finally having less of an impact on his life.
This is all possible due to the amazing care from the NHS, which has allowed us to get a diagnosis early and a clear action plan to follow for Steffan every day.
Also, very importantly I must discuss the brilliant work Asthma + Lung UK have done over the years, their support has been amazing, with no question too much, with thorough advice and support given along the years. Therefore I would be very grateful for any donations to this charity, to enable other children and their families to have this continued support that has been of great value to us.
Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. Every pound I raise takes us closer to a world where everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice to someone in need.
Any donations you can give are hugely appreciated - thank you for supporting me and everyone out there living with a lung condition.
Da iawn Sions! Ddoi hefo chdi fuan am walkies bach! Xx