I’m running the Royal Parks Half Marathon in the fight for breath!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with lung disease. I want to make a difference.
I'm running the Royal Parks Half Marathon for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. I will be running firstly for my mum as she has a lung condition and to help raise more awareness for this cause.
Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!
Thank you :)
My Updates

Friday 13th Oct
I am so proud of myself for running the entire 13.1 miles. I ran it in 2:45:02 which is a little slower than what I had aimed for but due to the fact that we had a heatwave on this day, it was not focused on my time. My focus was on pace, hydration, fuel and cooling down.

23 Sept 2023 - LAST LONG RUN
Monday 25th Sep

17 Sept 2023 - NEW PR for HM TIME!!!
Monday 25th Sep

2 Sept 2023 - Bad Run
Monday 25th Sep

Monday 25th Sep

12 August 2023 - PARK RUN
Monday 25th Sep

30 July 2023 - Running Through the Pain
Monday 25th Sep

24 July 2023 - Heart Rate Training
Monday 25th Sep

18 July 2023 - Treadmill Session + New equipment!
Monday 25th Sep

5 July 2023 - Evening Recovery Run
Monday 25th Sep

2 July 2023 - Recovery
Sunday 24th Sep

21 June 2021 - INJURY HAS STRUCK
Sunday 24th Sep

28 May 2023 - 10 Mile Run (Milestone 🎉)
Wednesday 20th Sep

14 March 2023 Todays 9 MILER
Wednesday 20th Sep

15 April 2023 - First 8 Mile Run!
Wednesday 20th Sep

4 March 2023 - My Speed Is Improving XD
Wednesday 16th Aug

28 Feb 2023 - First Speed Sess !!!
Wednesday 16th Aug

23 Feb 2023 - First ever 5K run!!
Wednesday 16th Aug

16 Feb 2023 - First ever run session/ Ground 0
Wednesday 16th Aug
Thank you to my Sponsors

Jack Moore


Natasha Kephalas
Fantastic thing to do, enjoy every second Leah

Well done Leah

So proud of you Leah. Going from not being able to run around the block to now running 14 miles shows a how far you have come in six months.

Alan Fletcher
You have been training so hard to raise money for this charity. You are 100% going to smash the run .

Germaine Chaudry
You're raising money for a fantastic charity. After all the hard training you have done I know you will complete your run with ease. Lots of love

Lewis Fletcher
Good luck , your gonna smash it.

D. Chaudry

Amazing! Proud of you Leah! Lots of love xxx

Shortie Sue
Your running for an super charity. I know with all your hard work and determination you will be able to achieve your goal. How ever much you raise will go to towards helping babies, children and adults. xxx

Happy Ash Wednesday! Giving to this cause is something that I know will help to benefit many people and it’s a good thing to do at this special time. X
Well done Leah get after it and smash itt light work💪🏻👌🏻