Jess Porritt

London Landmarks 2025

I’m running London Landmarks in the fight for breath!

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with lung disease. I want to make a difference. I'm running London Landmarks Half Marathon for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. 

As a severe asthmatic I was told I would never really be able to do distance running. Well last year I decided to give it a go and now running is my primary way of managing my asthma and improving my lung capacity. Having severe asthma does not have to be an enormous barrier and I want to fight for everyone with a lung condition to have access to appropriate levels of care, to correct and up-to-date information about their condition, and to receive support to live to the fullest with any lung condition. 

Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs. Just £22 could go towards Health Care Advisors and Respiratory Specialists supporting someone with the information they need to live well.

Any support would be amazing in my fight for lung health! 

My Achievements

My Updates

Autumn running has well and truly begun!

Wednesday 25th Sep
I'm having a brilliant time getting back to Autumn running even if my last run was more of a wade than a run it does feel good to be out and about. The raincoat and hat are firmly back on for the year! Also as I'm working with the physio to return to pain-free running, these shiny new calf sleeves are part of that process! Fingers crossed they do what they are meant to do 🤞 

Injury Prevention & Back to Training

Sunday 15th Sep
Happy Sunday folks! I am delighted to say that after four months of injury management I managed my first continuous 5km in a very long time and it felt brilliant! Back at it with a steady state 5km and hitting a solid 34:19 time. Still working with my physio to come back stronger than ever but I'm loving getting back running for the winter and building up strength before HM training kicks off in earnest in December. Running through the winter as an asthmatic is quite an endeavour (even though it's my personal favourite time to run!) so please give generously and support the charity to help more asthmatics manage their condition and get active 💜 

Welcome to my half marathon journey!

Friday 6th Sep
Hello and welcome if you are following my journey to the London Landmarks Half Marathon! My name is Jess and I have Severe Asthma. Last year I started to use running as a way to manage my asthma and now I can't imagine my week without my runs! My longest run to date would be York 10km in August 2024 so a half marathon is going to be a challenge but I'm looking forward to it. 

My motivation for doing this is really to prove that people with lung conditions CAN still take part in active hobbies whether that is running, climbing, cycling, dancing, or anything else. Most of my life as a semi-sporty asthmatic I've been told that sports aren't for me. I've had coaches roll their eyes when I've flagged my condition or had to take a break for my inhaler, and people have said my asthma is just an excuse for not doing well. All too often asthma can feel really limiting but what I've found over the last 12 months is that its all about recognising your asthma, the way it effects you, and planning around it. 

My asthma isn't ever an excuse. I want to not only prove to myself that I can undertake this challenge but that asthmatics can have active hobbies under their own terms. I love to run but the way I engage with running is shaped by my condition to make sure I can do it safely and effectively. I'm also running to raise money for Asthma + Lung UK who support millions of people with lung conditions all over the UK providing guidance, information, and health advice as well as supporting ground-breaking research into lung health. 

Hopefully you enjoy my journey! I have a 5km race booked for November to help me get a good base of running. Then half marathon training starts in earnest in December - wish me luck! And please, if you can, donate to support a brilliant charity. Even £1 helps. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Holly Leslie

So proud of you darling! So excited to watch you smash your training and hear how you get on 🤍


Jess Porritt

Good luck with your race!
