Janet Deavin

Great North Run 2024

Getting my breath back

Many of you will know that I have “run” (ahem, I use that word loosely as always!!) the GNR a number of times before. I was gutted not to do it last year and was determined to be back in 2024. I started a bit of running at the end of last year but it trailed off and I promised to start again after a Christmas. 

Since a hospital stay around 7 years ago with pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung and A LOOOOOOT of medication over a 4 day period, my asthma has been almost non-existent but over the Christmas holidays I ended up with an annoying, tickly cough and as a result my asthma has returned with a serious vengeance! 

This week I had the scariest asthma attack I’ve ever had so I trooped off the the GP and my old asthma treatments have had to be restarted and I’ve been off for a chest X-ray tonight to check my new starting point.

Cue the GNR motivation!! Raise money for a charity supporting others who suffer and get myself, and my lungs healthier in the process - win, win situation! 

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with lung disease. I want to make a difference. I'm running The Great North Run for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.

Just £22 could go towards Health Care Advisors and Respiratory Specialists supporting someone with the information they need to live well.

Any support would be amazing in my fight for lung health! 

I’ve kickstarted my fundraising personally with a £40 donation A who fancies stopping a few extra pennies or pounds into the pot!? 

Go on, make a donation - the sooner I reach my target, the sooner I stop pestering 😄😄

My Achievements
