I’m running the Royal Parks Half Marathon in the fight for breath!
Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with lung disease including Asthma. I'm running the Royal Parks Half Marathon for Asthma + Lung UK, the only UK charity that fights for everyone’s right to breathe. Every pound I'm able to raise will take us a step closer to a world where everyone has healthy lungs.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice. Having had my own struggle with Asthma I'd be very grateful for any donations you could make!
My Updates

How will Asthma + Lung UK help?
Thursday 27th AprIn the UK:
> Every 10 seconds someone has an asthma attack.
> Every 5 minutes someone dies from a lung condition.
> Poor lung health is the 3rd biggest killer overall…
It doesn’t have to be this way!
By supporting my fundraiser for Asthma+Lung UK your donations will support:
>Raising awareness of the need for good lung health and challenging negative attitudes that hold back progress.
>Life saving research.
>Access to quicker diagnoses and treatment, resulting in better outcomes.
>Fighting for everyone in the UK to have access to clean air.
>Ensuring that the voices of people with lung conditions are heard and that appropriate support is available.
Asthma + Lungs UK's research has saved lives through better treatment for pneumonia in children, improved the lives of people with COPD through better treatments to help people recover after a hospital stay; and helped to successfully combat lung conditions from an early age by revolutionising the diagnosis of lung problems in pre-school children.
Asthma research has helped to deliver life-saving
treatment for people with severe asthma, pioneered the use of new drugs called
‘leukotrienes’ and resulted in better use of immunotherapy to treat people’s
allergies to grass pollen.
They've also made a huge contribution to fighting COVID-19. The research they co-funded has determined which tests should be used to detect the virus. It’s also helped to predict which types of people are most at risk from COVID-19 and who is least likely to get vaccinated, helping to target public health messaging as effectively as possible.
Thank you to my Sponsors


Good luck!

Oliver Bernard Hasler
Good luck

Cathryn Maund

Robert Morris
Go girl, go.

Nigel & Irene Purse


George Frangeskidss

Good luck xxx

Alfredo P.
You've got this!

Selina Lovell

John Ranson
Fantastic effort Isabelle and a very worthy cause. Best of luck John

Go Isabelle!

Georgia T
Your marathon running is making my Netflix marathon look pretty pathetic…. Keep it up and can’t wait to see you beat Max!

Jonathan Morris

Adam Huntington-whiteley
Good Luck!

Paul Dulieu
Best of luck Isabelle. You'll be fantastic!

Sophia S
Good luck Izzy, so proud of your dedication, you’ll be great!!

Catherine Leftley
Good luck Isabelle!

Lucy Fountain
Good luck Izzy - you're going to smash it!! Lu xx

Susie Geliher
Such a great thing to do and a fab charity - good luck!


Jess Quilter
Good luck and have fun!! We’ve got this!!!! Xx

Graham Stevens
Good luck Isabel!!

Sophie Morris
Good luck Izzy!!

Ana Ribeiro
Good luck, Isabelle! You will smash it.

Stefan Bernstein

Good luck xxx

Investor Meet Company
You will fly through the 13.1 miles Isabelle!!, Best of luck The Team at Investor Meet Company

Bert Monro
Good luck!!

Share Talk Ltd
Well done Isabelle, we hope you reach your target, from all the team at Share Talk

Max Bennett

You are incredible!!