Dawny's Donations

By Danielle Sigley

My Activity Tracking


I’m walking to continue the legacy of my Mam

In memory of our amazing Mam, Dawn Kenny, who sadly lost her life at the age of 55 due to COPD.

She was our absolute world and without her there is a massive hole in our lives. I want to do something to keep her memory alive by fundraising to hopefully make even the slightest difference.

I want to start in July by walking 10,000 steps a day. To some people this may not seem a lot but to me this is huge and to someone suffering with COPD it takes away your ability to walk a few meters without struggling. This will hopefully will give me something to focus on while I navigate a life without my Mam.

Once I have completed this and my sister is able to walk with me I will be looking to arrange a coastal memory walk from Seaburn to South Sheilds along some Mams favourite beaches.

Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. Every pound I raise takes us closer to a world where everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs.

Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice to someone in need.

Any donations you can give are hugely appreciated thank you for supporting me and everyone out there living with a lung condition.

My Achievements

My Updates

Memory walk

Sunday 1st Sep
Well we did it. Setting off at 11am and reaching the final destination by 3.10pm. Just over 3.5 hours walking with a short break in between. Overall 22k steps, I've shocked myself tbh, I struggled some days with the 10k but I knew I had to get to that finish line for my Mam 😍.

Thank you so much for your support and donations, I have raised £531 and an additional £100 was donated in my mams memory so that is £631 in total. This along with my sister donation is around £1677, just wow! 

Tonight I am aching and emotional but it was so worth it to raise awareness for a cause so close to our hearts. My mam never gave up no matter how much she struggled and neither did we did today. I will never stop fighting for better lung health.

Already thinking of my next personal challenge but for now I will take a little time to try and get used to this new normal. After 3 months off, I go back to work tomorrow and on Thursday Tommy starts school. It feels like turning that page without my Mam and I am not sure if I will ever be ready to do that but unfortunately I don't really have that choice. 

So I will try to make it the best I can. One life, one chance ❤️

The night before the memory walk

Saturday 31st Aug
The nerves are really kicking in now and I am questioning if I can do this physically and mentally. Its been a rough day coming back after trying to escape the reality of a life without my Mam, who was my everything, she was my biggest cheerleader and I know she would be asking how I was feeling now and telling me I would be fine. I really appreciate everyone's support and encouragement.

Just had a lovely bath and packed the essentials. Snacks, water, towels and warm clothes for the sea dips and of course a little fizz to hopefully celebrate at the finish line 💪. My painkillers and deep freeze incase my back plays up but most importantly my inhalers for my Ashthma. I know the struggle of struggling to breathe on a morning and from very little exercise and have done my whole life. I knows it's nothing compared to what my Mam went through on a daily basis, it truely is heartbreaking how much she struggled with the simplest of tasks, but even then I never imagined her to have to leave us so soon and I wish there was better support or research out there so she could have been with us now. This is why this is so important to me, I wish I had reached out to this charity earlier who have a dedicated chat and phone line to support people living with lung conditions so I had better knowledge of the illness. Unfortunately it may not have changed anything but every penny you donate can make a difference so thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I hope you are watching down on us Dawny, I hope we make you proud but most importantly I hope you know how much you were loved and the huge impact you had on our lives. 

Tomorrow is the big day

Saturday 31st Aug
1 more day until we walk along our favourite beaches in memory of our amazing Mam and Nanny. This finishes off our Summer break before next week we try to return to some sort of normal. I am scared and emotional tbh, this is not how I pictured our summer but I will spend every day trying to make her proud. 

Extra 4 days

Sunday 4th Aug
Today marks the final days of my walking challenge for June and it is 2 months since we lost Mam and our lives changed forever.
Over the weekend I have managed a few extra steps bringing the overall total to 319,838 to make up for some days I didn't quite manage the 10k. This is triple my usual steps each month, during the most difficult time of my life. I am so proud of myself and I hope Mam would be too.
In August I will be focusing on my little lad as I know that's what Mam would want, but I am hoping to still continue 10k steps because on 1st September we will be doing a memory walk for Dawny.  

A life without you is so hard Mam, but I will carry you in everything I do. ❤️

July round up

Thursday 1st Aug

298,004 steps overall in July,  that is a huge achievement for me, my steps in the full month of June were only 100,917, almost tripled my usual.

All for you Mammy Dawny ❤️

Day 31

Thursday 1st Aug
Technically today marks a month of my walking challenge but I did say I would continue this until 4 August to make up for some days I missed and to take us to the 2 months for my Mam.
Yesterday for me was a stressful day but I still managed to hit my 10k.
My husband went out for the first time since losing Mam and I really hate been on my own tbh. Usually me and Tommy would stay and Mams till bed time or overnight and if I did come home she would ring and text me through out the night to see if I was okay and if Phill got home okay. I really miss those things she did for me, always making sure I was okay and never on my own. I am not sure I will ever like been alone tbh, its just not something I have ever enjoyed, the silence is so hard for me without her.
Thanks to my dad for keeping me company though. 

4 more days to go; but in honesty I think I'll try keep up the 10k steps where I can and I am definitely looking for a new challenge while after August which is my sons birthday and I know my Mam would want me to focus on giving him the best possible time and few weeks off before he starts school. We wish you were here to share it with us Dawny 💔 xxx

Day 30

Wednesday 31st Jul
Yesterday was another good day for steps 10.8k. Me and Tommy had a lovely little walk along the river and then playing in the garden followed by a trip to the park with a canny walk. It was 8 weeks yesterday for Mam and Tuesdays is always weird for us but we try to keep ourselves busy. We saw some of Mams friend and then my friend which is always nice. 

Pushing myself in this final week of the challenge to keep walking and motivated. It really helped me at first then during the middle of the month it almost felt pointless as it got harder to deal with days without my Mam. But overall having something to focus on does help, and still doing little things to keep their memory alive really helps me. My mam was a huge part of my life and she always will be. I'll do whatever I can to make sure she lives on through us all, that we fight for better care and awareness for an incurable disease that unfortunately changed my Mams life and took her away from us too soon and most importantly do the things she would of loved no matter how hard it may be. 

Your strength, determination and love for your family and giving them the best you could will always drive me to try keep that going Mam! 

Day 29

Monday 29th Jul
Today I smashed my steps at 11k, some days I push to make the 10k mark but today was there by 6pm.
Pushed myself go get out of bed and did a quick workout, tried to finish a upcycling project and then walked go nursery and back to pick my Tommy up before going to the shops to get some starting school bits and a quick kick around in the park.

On the surface seems like a pretty good day, but inside I am hurting so had and feel so lonely. The world just feels surreal right now, as I want to do is to pick my phone up and talk to my Mam about everyday things. What I am realising nothing is ever going to take that feeling away but I need to be strong and be that person for Tommy as hard as every single day is. A mother's love is unconditional 💕 

Day 25 to day 28

Monday 29th Jul
Another weekend has came and gone and I've tried to keep as busy as I can but as time goes on the days just feel harder, especially the weekends.

On Thursday, I did something special for my Mam and got a tattoo for her from my sister, it was her first tattoo back at work since we lost Mam and it just felt like the right thing to do. I absolutely love it.

The weekend we have spent our time entertaining our little lad, seeing him have fun is the one thing that keeps me going and it kept my mam going too. 

Steps have been pretty good the last few days but as I enter the last week of this challenge I'm going to push to get some lovely walks in and try to clear my head

Day 25 - 10.5k

Day 26 - 8k

Day 27 - 10k

Day 28 - 10.3k

Life feels pretty surreal right now, I keep expecting Mam to turn up at every corner I turn. I hope she's with me with every step I take x

Day 23 & 24

Thursday 25th Jul
Managed to hit over 10k on both days but it hasn't been easy, it's actually feels harder. As Tuesday came around again, tried to keep my little lad busy with a walk in Durham, dinner and soft play. It also marked 7 weeks for Mam, so we went and got some flowers to add to her little area in our garden using the Mam flower mold from her funeral.
On Wednesday, I get to go watch him at swimming and soft play then join Tommy and Daddy for their weekly macdonalds date too, but its really hard when I see so many grandparents there and it was something that me and Mam used to take him too. 
Despite been in a world full of people, it feels incredibly lonely without having my Mams support every single day and I know this feeling isn't going to shift. 
I hope I have the motivation to keep on going to finish the July challenge. It's all for you Dawny ❤️ x

Day 20 - 22

Tuesday 23rd Jul
It's been a few days since I have posted, spent the weekend trying to keep myself busy doing things we loved, spending time with family and going to the beach. I still kept thinking she should be here, she would have loved this 💔
Day 20 - 8k
Day 21 - 6k (my watch ran out of battery so may have missed a far few steps)
Day 22 - 10.5k
Over the weekend my steps were little less but I just needed to priorities myself but I am going to try push to keep back at 10k even though I feel so exhausted and some days my back struggles.  I can do this and will only help with training towards the beach walk! 

Day 18 & 19

Saturday 20th Jul
The last few days have been a bit of a blur hence the lack of updates. As each day passes life becomes more real without Mam, yet so surreal that how can she actually not be calling me asking me when I am coming over. Its an awful feeling, i am trying to keep myself busier and have managed to hit 11k and 11.5k with the help of phill keeping me going. On Friday we visited the crem where we scattered her ashes and I didn't want to leave, I then read a text about ashes from her where she told me it was just ashes and not them and they would be free from suffering and pain. I'm trying to remember that when I think of my amazing Mam. But the truth is I will always ask why, why so soon. I wish I had the chance to see my mam grow older into her 60s, for her to see Tommy grow into a little boy, after all she gave to him she deserved that so much. The world feels less kind without her it and so much more difficult 💔 

Day 17

Thursday 18th Jul
I was very close to 10k steps yesterday which is pretty impressive since I didn't get out of bed until mid afternoon. Phill pushed me to get up and ready to walk the dog, then do a bit of shopping and take Tommy to swimming and soft play. It was nice to get out for a few hours, but equally just wanted to get home as everything seems hard atm. Mam has left a huge void in our lives and it feels very lonely without her, everything we do reminds me of her cause she was so involved but I'll keep pushing as much as I can to keep walking.
I think I need to find some new routes and someone to join me.. and takers? 

Day 15 & 16

Wednesday 17th Jul
Haven't posted in a few days, but keep on pushing to get those steps in. On Monday, Phill had to take over with the steps, unfortunately but yesterday I was back to over 10k. Managed to push myself to go out with Tommy and friends for a little play date, first time I've had him on my own in a long time. It was so nice to see him smiling and running around enjoying himself. Before we left I got the biggest kiss and he said I love you Mama. What I am realising is its easier when he is here cause I know I need to be strong for him as that what my Mam would want. She pushed through her COPD to have every minute she could with him, she probably had him on her own more than me in reality, cause we were always with friends or Mam while daddy was at work. If she can do that, I can do this for her and him to try help someone in the future! 

Day 14

Monday 15th Jul
So yesterday I managed to hit my 10k steps. Dragged myself out of bed early to do the sea dipped and it really helped me for a few hours. I was standing in the cold choppy sea, yes it was very choppy and to me it just looked how I was feeling inside, even the cold water didn't come close to the pain and shock I feel every morning waking up. It made me realise that I miss our weekends so much, getting up and doing different activities with Tommy. I know I need to get back to that, as hard as it will be, without my Mam. She would want that for her little man. I hope that can get me through. 

Day 12 & 13

Sunday 14th Jul
I am sorry I haven't posted in a few days, truth is the last few days have been awful. For me weekends are always the hardest as I know we would be together doing something or even nothing, it didn't really matter as long as we were together. During the week we used to always say what are we doing this weekend, sometimes Mam used to say anything just to get out. I never understood that till now. Some days I barely want to get out of bed, I really want to push myself but physically I don't have the energy, because my life just feels bare without my Mam in it, thats just the brutally honest true.
Day 12 I managed 7200 steps and day 13 8800 steps, I know for me thats still an achievement bearing in mind I usually do a few thousand but it is still 4000 steps behind. Hopefully this week I can make those back and hopefully walking with help again.
Today I am up early to go sea dipping, I remember last time I went I was texting my mam the night before telling her how scared I was and she told me just try it Dani, you have wanting to do it for ages and if you don't like it just don't go as far in. Those words will be cheering me on, she may not be with us in person but her advice is still seeing me through my darkest days. What I would do for one more conversation with her, she always made me feel better, she always calmed my overthinking mind and encouraged me to be the best version of myself. I love you Mam ❤️

Day 11

Friday 12th Jul
Yesterday I did just over 12k steps, making up for some of those I didn't quite make the day before. My tshirt arrived from the charity and I wore it with pride, Phill was laughing at me cause I was actually smiling as I walked around and got some donations in, they soon turned to tears especially when I thought I hope she is proud, its weird doing something your proud of and just wanted to tell your Mam, she was always my biggest cheerleader, telling me 'well done you should be so proud'.
I was forced to get up early for my ashthma review which was fine but all that really happened was they asked me some questions, asked if I was managing okay and despite saying my chest had been a bit worse they put it down to allergies and grief without any physical checks and send me on my way, surely there should he more checks when it comes to lung health, we used to have to do the lung capacity test. Why did the stop?!

Day 10

Thursday 11th Jul
Well I couldn't get myself up till 2pm yesterday, it was just a bad day where I struggled without Mam. I managed to get 8k steps from 2pm to 11pm but walking yesterday wasn't even helping. Today I have had to drag myself up to go to my Asthma review, and although I am walking to help my Mam, I myself have had Asthma since I was a young child, and although most days it is well managed, I know myself only too well how awful the feeling is when you are struggling to breathe, when you can't do alot of exercise because it effects your breathing. I think  my journey with my walking has shown we can all have good and bad days weather it's with an physical illness, mentally or just motivation. My mam never gave up trying and I will push to do that for her. 

Day 9

Wednesday 10th Jul
So another 10k in the bag today, wasn't so easy with the weather today but still managed to push through for another day. I always find Tuesdays a struggle tbh, I know I would be working from hers while Tommy made Nanny give into his every demand, their bond was so incredibly special. Even while struggling with her COPD, she would have Tommy as much as she could and keep him entertained in the house or playing in the garden, doing crafts, playing games, singing and dancing even when she couldn't keep up with him. He kept her going and she did the same for him too, he wud choose Nanny day care over nursery anyday of the week if he could, that speaks volumes. Today Tommy had his graduation at nursery and all I wanted to do was tell her all about it and say thank you for getting him and us this far instead I'm telling as many people as I can how amazing she is and trying to keep that memory alive.

I walk for an amazing Mam and Nanny in the hope that it helps someone else in the future. 

Day 8

Tuesday 9th Jul
Well I was back yesterday with the 10k steps today and it actually felt alot easier, I wasn't pushing for the last few thousand steps. I really enjoyed a late night walk listening to music and watching the beautiful sky, even since Mam I find great comfort in looking up at the sky. 
I am hoping the rain eases so I can manage to do the same today.

Day 7

Monday 8th Jul
So as my back wasn't too great yesterday I tried to take it easier, I still pushed through the pain of my back and a terrible day where the tears just wouldn't stop. I pushed myself cause I know that's exactly what my Mam did every day, she had some days where she couldn't and that's okay sometimes you just need to be easy on yourself and take each day as it comes. Make the most of the good ones and be kind to yourself on the bad ones.

Yesterday I managed 7k steps, which even for me on a good day is much more than I would usually do. I am hoping today I can get back to 10k and I will continue this challenge up until 4 August which will mark 2 months for Mam to make up for the days I haven't quite managed it.

Never give up on fighting for something for yourself and those you love ❤️ 

Day 6

Sunday 7th Jul
Unfortunately today has not been a great day for steps, 7.5k . It started of well as I was out in Durham and went for a little walk along the river, I really had to push myself to go and I think the only thing that got me there was mams words ringing in my ear, she always used to tell me to get myself out as I never do. As the day went on my back hasn't been great and I know if I push too hard that won't be good as its prone to going off and not been able to walk at all. I will make up the 2.5k steps, that's 4.5k in total, over the month and when my back feels OK, weather I have to extend into August a few days, I will not give up! 

Day 5

Saturday 6th Jul
Well I did it again 10k steps for 4 days in a row despite feeling awful with this cold. Actually surprised myself tbf but it's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it and when it's the only thing keeping you going even a little.  Fridays always feel hard for me, it was mine and Mams day were we would do our usual thing of shopping, which we both hated but its funny how you miss those things even more without them. Today I managed to get around the shops without crying then me and Phill went for a walk and stopped at the local pub, last time I was there was with Mam. We sat at the same table and I could just see her sitting opposite that day stealing my nuts while enjoying a pint. I laughed to myself cause it was the same day we tried to make potatoe skins in my new air fryer which turned out more like crisps despite telling Mam she was cutting them too thin, at least we enjoyed the hallomi. We ended the day with Mam and Tommy's tradition of having a Friday night picnic in bed. 

Day 4

Friday 5th Jul
Yesterday it got to 6pm and I hadn't even hit 3k steps mainly cause I felt truely awful with the worst cold ever and was ferrying my peg leg sister around 🤣 so of course we didn't get many steps in. Somehow at 3 mins to midnight, I have managed to hit 10k, so proud of myself and I know Mam would be too. I walk in her memory to do something postive and hopefully help anyone suffering with a lung condition but also to help myself and try find something I can focus on. I pushed her everyday to be postive and she did that for us, now I'm trying for her. I still don't feel great so hopefully today I can find the energy to push through in-between resting and hopefully feeling better.

Day 3

Thursday 4th Jul
I have done it again for the 2nd day in the row, 10k. Not sure how I managed it today to be honest, it has been a really tough day, coming back to reality after a few days away. I felt like I had more motivation in the middle of nowhere. Today I've just wanted to lie in bed, but every time it's got too much, I've popped my head phones in, listened to my mams music and took myself for a walk around the block. The truth is, I wish I wasn't having to do this in her memory, I wish I was helping her like I did when she was here, like we helped each other through every single day. 

Day 2

Wednesday 3rd Jul
Yesterday I managed 10.5 k steps, still planning on slowly making up the ones I lost on day 1. Been away in the middle of nowhere, a place that Mam found and we talked about going was just what I needed. It was so peaceful and a place to think about her and it felt easier to push myself so do something in her memory. 

Day 1

Tuesday 2nd Jul
Managed just over 8k steps today on the first day of walking in Mams memory. This may not seem like alot but most days i rarely do a few thousand with sitting all day at work. Today was a struggled, I questioned if I could do it many times, if it was too soon or if it was going to make any sort of difference. I didn't get out of bed until late and decided to use my mams sitting bike, which I thought would give me a good start to my steps, not realising they dont actually count haha! I will try make up for the extra 2k on day 2 with some actual walks as the rain didn't help today. One thing that kept me going was seeing the donations from the funeral and others which made me realised we are nearly half way there on day one, imagine what we can actually do in a month or when we plan the actual charity walk. I then also seen an article online about how people can wait up to 10 years to get diagnosed with COPD or get the accurate treatment. This pushed me to want to do more. One thing that I've struggled with today is the thought of forever without my Mam 💔. But I'm glad I have something to push through the pain and even give me something to focus on for a hour a day. 

In memory of Dawn Kenny

Monday 1st Jul
Would like to say a huge thank you to my lovely work colleagues who donated £100 to Asthma and Lung UK separately to this collection. ❤️

Mams funeral collection

Monday 1st Jul
Huge thank you to everyone who donated to the cause at my Mams funeral which has now been added to the fundraising page. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Emma Crathorne

Money raised from Dianne Ross Dance Academy 🩷


Emma's Donations

Donations for Emma's Auntie and Neighbour


Joanne Nightingale


Andrea Ballantyne

Your mam will have been looking down knowing how much she was loved and be so proud ❤️



Proud of you❤️


Kay France


Collection Tin

Money collected along the walk


Dave And Janet


Lisa, Mark Chloe And Ozzy


Lauren Atchison



Amaxing what youre doing Danielle, you can absolutely do this, great cause hope you reach your target! 😊💕 xx


Rachel Mccormack

So proud of you Dani, working so hard for a great cause ❤️❤️


Susan Crathorne


Bethany Lewin

So proud of you Danielle, and I know your mam would be do! X


Grant And Amy

Looking forward to doing the walk with you tomorrow your mam would be so proud xx



Good luck Danielle, you will smash it ❤️⭐️ xxx


It’s All About Roo

Well done on the amazing steps you’ve been doing and doing such a great job at raising awareness of this awful condition.


Gemma Stackhouse

Good luck Danielle, your Mum will be so proud of you xxx



We got this!!



Good Luck Danielle! So sorry I can’t make it this time, but I will be at the next fundraiser for sure. A great cause in memory of a great woman ❤️ x


Bethany Coad

Good Luck Danielle! I think it’s a great way to keep focused during this hard time for you. Exactly what I did when I lost my mam and started to train for the GNR. Your stronger than you think x



£1 for your favourite memory of Dawny! Wow, It's hard to choose my favourite memory when they are so many. Going to start with one from Tommy who says playing with Nanny and trying to catch hugs off her. Every Tuesday morning he would literally run into her arms like he hadn't seen her for weeks. One day I had to park further up the street and Mam came out to meet us, he literally ran from the car into her arms. It was literally one of the best moments, her face she was buzzing.


Phill Sigley

Donk. If you know, you know x



Well done Danni 👏🏻


Kathryn Tracey

Well done on getting through this challenge during such an awful time. Good luck with the rest of the month 🙌🏾 smashing it x


Lynne White


Emma Crathorne

Keep on going! You are doing fab 🩷



Well done Danielle x


Maureen Bolam

Good luck. Thinking of you xx


Tracy Colman

Good luck Danni 💗


Rachael Whitelock


Claire Mooney


Donations Collected From Funeral


Paige Dembry

Good luck! Amazing cause ❤️



For you Mam ❤️ Forever and always


Phill Sigley

See you on the beach ;)
