We’re walking together to make a difference.
Every minute, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a lung condition. Every pound our team raises together takes us all closer to a world where everyone breathes clean air with healthy lungs.
Just £14 could fund an hour of vital research, giving hope to those who struggle to breathe.
Just £22 allows one of Asthma + Lung UK's nurses to answer a call on the Helpline, offering potentially lifesaving advice to someone in need.
Any donations you can give to the team are hugely appreciated - thank you for supporting us and everyone out there living with a lung condition.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Angela Coates

Enid Punter

Joy Belk

Marie Ward

Janette Miskell
Well done Angela 👏

I have raised for you a total of £310 doing the sponcered walk in memory of my husband with 7th may would have been our 25th wedding anniversary he had COPD and I have eosinophillic asthma