I’m walking to make a difference.
Personally to me, I am walking for my brother, he passed as most of you know. It took me to a dark place that I’ve even seen that tragic event happen due to him passing of asthma until then I live my life now for the both of us, understanding that if he was here he would love and respect everyone that donates or joins in on the walk. You dont have to donate loads honestly even if you donated a pound I would be greatful and appreciate you for the support. Thank you for taking your time to read this 🫶xx
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In memory of Kyle Hall❤️
Thursday 8th Aug Personally to me, I am walking for my brother, he passed as most of you know due to asthma - It took me to a dark place that I’ve been in ever since witnessing his passing until then I now live my life for the both of us, understanding that if he was here he would love and respect everyone that donates or joins in on the walk. You dont have to donate loads honestly even if you donated a pound or share - I would be grateful and appreciate you for the support. Thank you for taking your time to read this 🫶xxShare
Thank you to my Sponsors


Lynn Jackson
Well done Demi, keep being you and smiling xx

Jane Miller
Well done Demi! keep doing what you are and keep smiling xx



Siobhán Mcarthur
Massive congratulations for this worthy cause!!

Well done Demi-Leigh! 💞🤩

Charlotte Mort




Good luck!


HE would be so proud of you!!!

Tracey Calow
Hi Demi looking forward to this charity walk in memory of your lovely brother. An hope we raise good high funds on this memorable day. ❤️

Cym D'souza
Good luck with your fund raising!

Good luck Demi Tracey ♥️



Jess Hall

Niamh Mckown
So proud of you!! Xxx

Shan Selena
Kyle would be ever so proud! Well done x

Julie Flint
Well done and good luck. X

Von Rose
sorry it’s not much, really proud of u x
